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Thread: B21A1 swap?

  1. #1
    DX User
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    Jun 2022
    1987 Accord Hatch

    B21A1 swap?

    My local yard (surprisingly) still has a very complete 5speed 3rd gen prelude SI with a good B21A1 in it. Would it be feasible to pull the entire front end off of it and bolt it into my '87 LXi? (Engine, trans, axles, knuckles, wiring harness, subframe, mount brackets, etc) Are the chassis similar enough? I'd LOVE to have some proper balls in my car, considering it's an A/T a20 with a busted vacuum advance diaphragm.

  2. #2
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: B21A1 swap?

    Not sure if such a swap is humanly possible, but I'd still grab all that stuff if I was you.
    Why was it junked, anyways? Put through the wringer with +10 owners and awful mods? Insurance totaling it and the owner not fighting them? Perfectly good car junked because of donation/cash for junk car scumbags?

  3. #3
    DX User
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    Jun 2022
    1987 Accord Hatch

    Re: B21A1 swap?

    Quote Originally Posted by RI86DX View Post
    Not sure if such a swap is humanly possible, but I'd still grab all that stuff if I was you.
    Why was it junked, anyways? Put through the wringer with +10 owners and awful mods? Insurance totaling it and the owner not fighting them? Perfectly good car junked because of donation/cash for junk car scumbags?
    Pretty sure it was just an upper middle class family scrapping the 'old' car just because it was 'old'. If I remember correctly it had ~120k on the clock. No mods, mint interior. Next time I go i'll take some good photos and compare the engine bay/mount setup to one of the 3g accords they have laying around, and document them here. If it seems close enough I might turn this thread into a writeup for it.

  4. #4
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: B21A1 swap?

    Quote Originally Posted by turninwheels4x4 View Post
    Pretty sure it was just an upper middle class family scrapping the 'old' car just because it was 'old'. If I remember correctly it had ~120k on the clock. No mods, mint interior. Next time I go i'll take some good photos and compare the engine bay/mount setup to one of the 3g accords they have laying around, and document them here. If it seems close enough I might turn this thread into a writeup for it.
    Definite car donation/cash for junk cars victim then. It's amazing how braindead and materialistic people are.

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