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Thread: Dumb question: can you do a B20a VTEC swap?

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Dumb question: can you do a B20a VTEC swap?

    Sorry, I assume this question gets asked all the time. Read that the JDM 3Geezs had the B20a engine. So, could you technically swap a B20a Vtec that into an 88 Accord?

  2. #2
    SEi User Shane86's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    86 honda accord lxi 3 door hatchback

    Re: Dumb question: can you do a B20a VTEC swap?

    With the innovate swap mounts and modification to the linkage and front crossmember and custom wiring sure

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