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Thread: 1984 CDN Accord in Portugal,carb differences.

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    1984 Honda Accord

    1984 CDN Accord in Portugal,carb differences.

    Hello guys. I have a 1984 Accord from Canada that was given to me here in Portugal. I purchased a K727 kit to install a new Webber ,but the adapter plate is completely different compared to the manifold on the car. This Accord was made in Japan in Jan 1984 and it has what looks like a 2 bbl carb on is all 100% factory but the carb leaks like a fish and I can't find a number anywhere on it or a gasket kit that might look like if fits,hence the Webber. The carb stud spacing is much smaller that the K727 kit and only has 4 very long studs ,the carb is mounted on a thick plastic spacer ( about an inch thick)and there is a fitted oring type seal between the carb and the spacer .I have resealed everything as best I can but I have a lot of leaks at the spacer ,carb base area simply due to age .

    Does anyone know what the redline adapter might be for this type of carb ,I really want to install the Webber for ease of use and maintenance.

    I think the carb/manifold might be different because of the fact that this one was assembled in Japan vs the USA.

    I am trying to make this car reliable enough for my mom to use while she is over in Portugal on holiday ,as this car has been over here since 1986 much of the maintenance was performed by local mechanics with no real access to parts as this car had not been imported to Portugal .

    Thanks in advance for any help with the adapter type


  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: 1984 CDN Accord in Portugal,carb differences.

    I am assuming you bought the kit for the 1.8L ES2 engine with a 3bbl and the kit you need, while it says 76-83, is the K725, assuming it fits the 1.6l EY engine.

    Can you verify whether you have the 1.8l ES2 or 1.6l EY engine?

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