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Thread: Time to say goodbye

  1. #1
    DX User
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    Time to say goodbye

    I’ve bought my ‘89 Accord LXi new in 88. After around 330k miles and many memories and road trips, I am planning to retire the car. Probably going to sell in to the state of California. Engine still runs strong, but the car has been sitting parked in the garage. Only drive it about 4 times a year. I will probably add to post to the for sale forum for some items I’ve added: aftermarket H4 headlights, SEi cup holder, maroon center console armrest.

    It’s been a wonderful experience. I hope you all have the best experiences with your 3G Accords.

  2. #2
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    DO NOT SELL IT TO THE STATE/DONATE IT!!! Wasting a perfectly good car. Sell it on here/a 3rd gen Accord group on FB or FB Marketplace

  3. #3

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Please dont give it to the state or crush it. I'm sure you would make more than (the state) a couple hundred selling it on here, facebook marketplace, or the facebook 3geez group and you would be helping us all and the car would live on too.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

  4. #4

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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaaz View Post
    I’ve bought my ‘89 Accord LXi new in 88. After around 330k miles and many memories and road trips, I am planning to retire the car. Probably going to sell in to the state of California. Engine still runs strong, but the car has been sitting parked in the garage. Only drive it about 4 times a year. I will probably add to post to the for sale forum for some items I’ve added: aftermarket H4 headlights, SEi cup holder, maroon center console armrest.

    It’s been a wonderful experience. I hope you all have the best experiences with your 3G Accords.
    I bumped your for sale thread in the for sale section. Someone may make you a good deal on the whole car or parts. I dunno what Cali is paying.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  5. #5
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldblueaccord View Post
    I bumped your for sale thread in the for sale section. Someone may make you a good deal on the whole car or parts. I dunno what Cali is paying.
    Either a few hundred bucks or a few thousand, whatever they figure will sucker a bunch of idiots into junking easily fixable, non hackable/trackable pre OBDII cars. I've noticed ever since 2020 western govs/countries overall are getting more and more hostile towards anything made before OBDII. Constant "cash for junk cars", donate your car outfits in classifieds, govs doing shit like this, it's some sinister shit.
    I have a few other theories that go into paranoid schizophrenic territory, such as mechanic shops near junkyards/on the payroll of car donation/cash for junk cars companies being paid off to lie to customers with pre 1996 cars to get them to junk them, or intentionally sabotaging them to get the same result. Also ins companies hiring vagrants/reprobates to steal old cars or hit and run them in 300 dollar fresh off the Copart lot cars (mostly Nissans/Infinitis, interesting) with no reg/ins.
    Last edited by RI86DX; 06-07-2023 at 12:11 AM.

  6. #6

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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    My reading of the California rules is its either 1500$ or 1000$.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  7. #7
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Well, the car was in a couple accidents many years ago. It has a replaced hood. The last accident rendered the right headlight inoperable and the black hood slightly damaged. The engine still runs great. Just swapped my practicality new battery with my brother. He is pondering whether he wants the tires/rims for his Civic. Probably a week or two left before junking the car.

  8. #8

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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Maybe if you set a price someone might be interested?
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  9. #9
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Just passed 330k on Saturday. Engine still runs fine. Tires and rims going to my brother this week. Probably turn it in this week. If anyone really wants it I would sell it for $1500.

  10. #10
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaaz View Post
    Just passed 330k on Saturday. Engine still runs fine. Tires and rims going to my brother this week. Probably turn it in this week. If anyone really wants it I would sell it for $1500.
    Sold car to Bay Area Air Quality Management for $1200 yesterday. Kept the cigarette lighter as a souvenir. ItÂ’s been a wonderful ride. So long.

  11. #11

    bullard123's Avatar
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Nice. Sounds like you have gotten your money's worth and a whole lot more haha. I can't imagine what it would have been like to drive one of these brand new back in 1988. Most people here would have been too young or not even born yet lol

  12. #12
    DX User
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    Quote Originally Posted by bullard123 View Post
    Nice. Sounds like you have gotten your money's worth and a whole lot more haha. I can't imagine what it would have been like to drive one of these brand new back in 1988. Most people here would have been too young or not even born yet lol
    It drove very similar when new to when I drove it for the last time. The last drive had a couple Civic steel wheels on the front and spare tires on the rear. Swapped original wheels with my brotherÂ’s Civic. I now drive a 2016 Civic EX-T sedan. 1.5l turbo has a lot more HP, gets better gas mileage, has LKAS and ACC. I donÂ’t drive much since the pandemic and retirement, so no reason to just take up space in the garage.

    For those still driving 3Gs, enjoy.

  13. #13
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: Time to say goodbye

    I'm sure it was far from a concours example but I still feel as if that's a waste of a pre OBDII car. You probably could've gotten a few hundred more from a private party sale and the car would've survived and not been fed into a shredder whole by some WEF front org. Also got a good chuckle out of "air quality management". Oh yeah, the pre 96 hobby cars are the problem, not China & India and umpteen other things.
    If anything, modern cars are one of the problems - they're built to last the duration of the warranty and then the entire CAN BUS shits itself and the BCM too along with all the other electronic garbage.
    Last edited by RI86DX; 08-29-2023 at 09:43 PM.

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