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Thread: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

  1. #1
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    1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Last edited by KingToke; 08-05-2023 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Is there a vacuum nipple on the base of the carb? If so, and there is nothing extremely important that needs its own dedicated source, use that for whatever you have left

  3. #3
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Quote Originally Posted by ShiRen View Post
    Is there a vacuum nipple on the base of the carb? If so, and there is nothing extremely important that needs its own dedicated source, use that for whatever you have left
    It is the 38 dges so it has one port on the bottom and thwt is currently going to the vacuum advance on the dizzy. Because it's an EL it doesn't have the port or adapater that the usual guides an videos I've been watching have so I have no where else to place my brake booster as it used to go into the old carb baseplate but the new adapater doesn't have any holes. I think the carb may have a blocked off excess port but will have to check as I'd like brakes an to get this thing to not run away.

    I'm also curious about the big canvas pipe that come off the inlet manifold that used to go to the old round air filter will these need to be blocked off or just directed out the way? I have not blocked the valve cover yet or tried with sealing all pipes but my next port of call is trying it with the cable removed to see if it's binding accelerator and set up from there.

    Hope to post some pics soon but these forums seem dead

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    Honda accord 1980 mark 1 gen 1 1.6 EL weber 38 dges dgas dgav

  4. #4

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Yeah just plumb everything to the carb, you can get a vacuum manifold if you think there is too much on one port.

    And that pipe probably goes from the exhaust manifold (or something hot) to the intake for the cold air restrictor in the stock intake

    When you block stuff off just make sure the crank case can breathe from it's 2 original ports, they can be open to the air, just not blocked.

  5. #5
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Turns out my throttle linkage was on too tight so taking the revs up to 4k. Seems like I'm gunna have to mess around to get the linkage correct might have to resort to taking the old kehlin throttle bracket off increasing the hole and seeing if that can work before I start cutting the cable. Seems all it is is a bit of tinkering as there is not much on these carbs

    Still struggling how I will hook up my brake booster tho as the original carb adapater plate had a hole for it but my new adapater doesn't include any. Surely I can wire up an electrical vacuum pump if all else fails or should I be drilling holes into the manifold???

  6. #6

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    Too tight in what way?

    Honestly, I'd try it out without the booster, idk how hard a 1st gen is to stop, but I haven't had power brakes the entire time I have owned my 3g

  7. #7
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    Re: 1980 Accord EL Engine Weber 38 carb upgrade help

    I had it too tight pulling the throttle open on the carb thinking it was slack, I've taken the old kehlin carb linkage bracket off and made it to fit into the carb throttle bracket adapater but yet to see if it works as good as others have it set up

    I have already got longer bolts to fit the original adapater aswel as the new adapater plate to keep my air con and my brake booster as I don't fancy having to stomp my brakes especially if I've got extra power.

    Hopefully the linkage is straight forward as that's all I have to get right now an hopefully be rolling round for many more thousand miles

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