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Thread: '82 Accord bubbling battery

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    1982 Honda Accord DX

    '82 Accord bubbling battery

    Hello, first post.The car's history is a mystery and I'm trying to get it into driving condition again.I'm assuming the wires to my voltage regulator are pinned incorrectly. The battery is bubbling while charging. The stock plug from the vehicle to the regulator is gone and I'm left with individual wires. Alternator was just replaced, previously no charge. Previous one was DOA and the regulator was not connected. Does anyone happen to be in a position to send me pictures of the stock connector from the harness side?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	399719908_278869741252294_7906453575417156171_n.jpg 
Views:	508 
Size:	122.6 KB 
ID:	11270   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	11271  

  2. #2
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
    Join Date
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    1986 Honda Accord DX, A20A1 4SPD H4F4 AT
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    Re: '82 Accord bubbling battery

    Whoever owned that car before you butchered it/had some inbred work on it, it sounds like. You might want to try a second gen Accord group on FB.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    88 LXi
    Knoxville TN

    Re: '82 Accord bubbling battery

    Quote Originally Posted by DailyAccord View Post
    Hello, first post.The car's history is a mystery and I'm trying to get it into driving condition again.I'm assuming the wires to my voltage regulator are pinned incorrectly. The battery is bubbling while charging. The stock plug from the vehicle to the regulator is gone and I'm left with individual wires. Alternator was just replaced, previously no charge. Previous one was DOA and the regulator was not connected. Does anyone happen to be in a position to send me pictures of the stock connector from the harness side?
    You might want to use a meter and see what the output voltage is but it sounds like its full field and that why the battery is bubbling its over charging.

    I hunted around on google some I couldnt find it.

    I think Ig is igntion F is field and the E and L are load but thats all a guess. The large white wire I would think comes from the large lug on the back of the Alternator. I think those years cars it was known to burn the reg or that large white wire.

    I would also look on Autozone sometimes they have schematic available. Also you could goto a library or even the Honda dealer an old tech might help you out with a drawing.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

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