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Thread: A few questions about vaccum lines

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Honda accord 1988

    Question A few questions about vaccum lines

    Hello, today i redid the vacuum lines on my 1988 dx accord and ive got a few question about problems i encountered if anyone can advice me.

    1- one of my thermovalves is split in half and is plugged using some king of glue, so i had to plug one of the vacuum lines as shown in the picture.

    Is this the correct thing to do?

    2- there seems to be some kind of a valve on the right side of the picture, originally the vacuum line connected to it was bypassed so i kept it as is.

    Anyone can tell me what it is?

    3- most of the vacuum lines were in the wrong places, after putting them back in the correct places i feel like accel power has slightly increased and the rpm needle is very stable, power increase could be because #2 line on distributor was not letting any air through so i replaced it, but now it feels like there is a 0.5 a second delay when i press accel pedal to when it accelerates, could it be that i need to re-tune the carb?

    4- since one of the thermovalves is broken in half i do not have fast idle, so when cold the rpm is around 700 and when hot its around 1300, is there a way to keep both around 800 as specified in the manual?

    The carb is a like a black box for me, i do not know much about it, and the manual does not state what each component does so i would really appreciate your help .

  2. #2
    DX User
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Honda accord 1988

    Re: A few questions about vaccum lines

    To answer my own questions
    1- i replaced both of my thermovalves (A B) with ones from a junkyard
    2-it is most probably something related to AC which i do not have
    3- a problem with accel pump, probably needs adjustment
    4- as per the manual, a leaky secondary diaphragm causes high idle on a warm engine, while rebuilding the carb i found out the diaphragm was damaged, i fixed it using rtv silicone

    Sent from my 2201116SG using Tapatalk

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