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Thread: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

  1. #1
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
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    WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Here's a fun one! My car was stolen, they tried to cut through the lock in the passenger side, were so stupid that they failed, so they broke the window behind it, unlocked it, then chopped the whole ignition to bits. Not sure which pieces I need of that yet. This all happened in the parking lot next to my apartment.

    To my surprise the police found it, apparently the thief was so stupid they slid hard into a curb sideways on ice, and obliterated the right rear wheel, and attempted to replace it with the spare, but they had severely bent at least one control arm, so it was hard to drive and they just abandoned it. Not sure what I'll need to replace there yet, so yeah for now I just really need the passenger side window and the handle/lock.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20240220_100031514.jpg 
Views:	2604 
Size:	232.2 KB 
ID:	11294

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Id see how bad the suspension fix is going to be before worrying any about windows and door locks.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

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  3. #3

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    I know these cars are easy to steal but whats the value to a thief. Parts are worth nothing, cant scrap them for a whole lot, and besides they stick out like a sore thumb compared to all the cars on the road today. Anyways, sorry this happened to you.

    As Oldblue said i would take a look at the rear suspension. The control arms are probably bent and hopefully the rear subframe the control arms connected to isnt also bent. You may want to take a look at the body too, from the inside of the car under the plastic panels behind the rear seat it would be more obvious there if something was bent.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

  4. #4
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    I also have no idea why someone would steal it. I thought they would take it to mexico, as many cars here go, but they didn't.

    I did worry about the suspension first, but I already got parts for that on rockauto. Thanks for the tip about the subframe.

  5. #5
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    I've got a window if you are still looking for one. PM me your zip and I'll see how much it is to ship. I'll take $50 for it plus shipping unless you want to pick it up in TN.

  6. #6
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Sorry for the late reply Keachman1, for some reason I wasn't notified that this thread was updated! I'm definitely interested.

    I looked at the frame today as I bought a control arm from it. However, I seem to have the wrong control arm. I have an upper one, and I need a lower one. Anyone know where to find a right rear lower control arm, the one that's like 18" long?

    Here is mine:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bent.jpg 
Views:	2559 
Size:	144.7 KB 
ID:	11303

    I don't think the frame is bent, here's where the arm attaches to the frame:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frame.jpg 
Views:	2524 
Size:	230.1 KB 
ID:	11302

  7. #7
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Bump, still looking for the window!

  8. #8
    DX User
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinnai View Post
    Bump, still looking for the window!
    Its been a while but curious if your still looking for the window pm me I have one in decent shape (it will need some cleaning but other than that no cracks or major scratches)

  9. #9
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
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    Re: WTB: 2dr hatchback rear right wing window, right exterior door handle

    Quote Originally Posted by ArrZeroZero View Post
    Its been a while but curious if your still looking for the window pm me I have one in decent shape (it will need some cleaning but other than that no cracks or major scratches)
    Yeah absolutely! Although, I did realize that the 3rd gen sort of has a mk1 and mk2; the '86 doesn't have the same window parts as the '88-'89, not sure where the '87 falls, so watch out for that.

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