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Thread: 86-87 and 88-89 LX-i parts differences

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    1986 Accord LX-i hatchback

    86-87 and 88-89 LX-i parts differences

    After searching high and low for an EGR valve for my 86 LX-i, I finally resorted to purchasing one for an 88 model. It appeared to be the same valve with a different connector. Unlike the correct valve for my car, it is still in production as it also fits 4th Gen cars.

    Well guess what? I've run into the same issue with my throttle angle sensor. (I'll refer to it as TPS). I cannot find any listing for an 86 Accord TPS sensor period, but I have found several TPS sensors on eBay that claim to work on Accord/Civic/CRX/Prelude from 88-up.

    So this leads me to my question: will an 88-89 TPS work on an 86 throttle body as long as the signal, 5v ref, and ground are all hooked up the same as I did with my EGR valve position sensor?

    Are there other components that would also work from the 88-89 cars? To be clear I'm not really wanting to modify anything I don't have to. I'm simply trying to figure out the best and easiest way to keep this car functioning as it's supposed to as it and I go through the pains of getting an almost 40 year old car back on the road after a long period of sitting (10+ years).

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: 86-87 and 88-89 LX-i parts differences

    I don't see why the TPS wouldn't work if you just need to repin it

  3. #3
    DX User
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    Apr 2024
    1986 Accord LX-i hatchback

    Re: 86-87 and 88-89 LX-i parts differences

    I tend to think it would work, though I'll need a connector pigtail for the 88-up as the 86-87 style has a pigtail as part of the sensor and the 88-up doesn't.

  4. #4
    DX User
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    May 2009

    Re: 86-87 and 88-89 LX-i parts differences

    He tenido problemas ac谩 en Chile para conseguir repuestos para mi Accord LXi 88, en el caso del MAP, que tiene 3 pines, en teor胊 deber胊 servir casi cualquiera, toda vez que s贸lo se necesita comunicaci贸n a la ECU, con 3 l胣eas (+5V; GND y Se帽al), lo que hay que adaptar es la ubicaci贸n de la l胣ea de vac胦, y su instalaci贸n f胹ica por la diferencia de las perforaciones para sus pernos de sujeci贸n.

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