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Thread: Hi there!

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    1986 accord lxi

    Hi there!

    I am the proud owner of a new to me 1987 accord hatchback, all stock. Car came to me as a basket case. Missing engine mounts and bolts for the engine mounts. The water pump had been replaced but one of the vanes had broken on install. Alternator had been replaced and I think the timing belt had been replaced. The carburetor had been overhauled too. None of the bolts were tightened so everything leaked. Fuel was pouring into the carb due to the top plate not being tightened down. Additionally there was a massive coolant leak from the underside of the intake manifold. The drain plug and fill plug for the trans both leaked due to being hand tight along with all the other bolts.

    With all this being said, it has been a good challenge for my diagnosing abilities. I am finding that parks are impossible to find for this thing. Pics to come

  2. #2
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
    Join Date
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    1986 Honda Accord DX, A20A1 4SPD H4F4 AT
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    Re: Hi there!

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeybackpack View Post
    I am finding that parts are impossible to find for this thing. Pics to come
    Not looking hard enough. It's not an old GM RWD V8 car, but it's not an Iso Grifo either. Look into doing a Weber swap - the stock carb isn't worth dealing with. If you live in a communist state like Nevada or California, look into bribing someone or moving instead.
    Last edited by RI86DX; 05-19-2024 at 10:41 PM.

  3. #3
    SEi User ChaseR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    2004 Acura TSX, 2019 CRV
    Reno, NV

    Re: Hi there!

    What is communist about Nevada?



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