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Thread: 85 accord weber problems

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    1985 honda accord

    85 accord weber problems

    Hey I'm super new to the forums, I just picked up an 85 Lx 3 weeks ago and just got my weber carb delivered the other day. So far I have the old carb off and the weber on, fuel line hooked up, fuel return line plugged, throttle cable finished, but I'm running into an issue because I was dumb and didn't label ANY lines before I started disconnecting them. From my knowledge (and it's not a lot) I only need to hookup the distributor vacuum line to the front of the weber? Also now that i have a BUNCH of lines open, also to my knowledge I need to plug up every single one? Moral of this sad sad story is I messed up and I wanna borrow some knowledge from yall on everything I should do to make sure my new weber carb works!

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: 85 accord weber problems

    You should only have a few lines. One from the dizzy to the carb, tee that to the manifold. And your brake booster and pcv. I don't know if there is any separate systems on the 2g that run on vacuum, but I'd think that'd be apparent once you start removing everything else

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