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Thread: 1989 Accord 4Dr Taillight L + R Assembly

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    1989 Honda Accord 4D LXI

    Lightbulb 1989 Accord 4Dr Taillight L + R Assembly

    Hey yall,

    I'm looking for a pair of mint condition taillight assemblies L + R for the 89 4Dr Accord. Believe it or not, a construction road sign fell and broke the left taillight; luckily, it only did minor scratches to the paint and no dents. No plastic parts are immune from UV damage anyway, if a a pair of mint taillight comes by, I will put clear film & wax coatings on them. Oh, if you have any lighting assemblies for other parts of the car, such as the fender parking lights or third brake light, please let me know too. My old puppy would love some new lenses. Cheers.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2493.jpg 
Views:	495 
Size:	489.6 KB 
ID:	11335Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2496.jpg 
Views:	501 
Size:	280.4 KB 
ID:	11336

  2. #2
    DX User
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    1987 Honda Accord LXI mfi 2.0 liter SOHC 4 door sedan

    Re: 1989 Accord 4Dr Taillight L + R Assembly

    Wow! Those look really great.
    Sorry to hear that, I'm faking it with stained glass paint and fluorescent light fixture diffusers!
    I wrap acetate or clear-lay around the broken area, trace around the break, then cut out a patch from the fluorescent light fixture diffuser material and bend it with a paint stripper/heat gun to fit glue it into place an then paint it with the stain glass paint to match.
    Good luck!

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