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Thread: 86 DX Accord Hatch: Fuel pump issues? Dying while driving

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    1986 Accord Hatchback

    86 DX Accord Hatch: Fuel pump issues? Dying while driving

    Hey everyone, new here and this is my first post. I'm having some suspected fuel pump issues but I'll start with a brief history.
    Last winter I bought a 1986 DX Hatchback (love the look of these cars) and up until two days ago it ran amazing.
    The car only has 130,000km on it, has a few issues but it ran fairly well. It struggled to idle until warm but would run fine after that. The previous owner deleted all the smog stuff but kept the original Carb so I wasn't very confident in my ability to tune it up any better before I started driving it daily.

    On my way to work the other day I pulled onto the highway and all of sudden my rpms would drop off and I had to pump the pedal to the keep the car running. Even with pumping the pedal the car would struggle to build any speed and eventually died out.
    On my way back from work I was able to get the car back to the city but it died once more before I could get home.
    I found this thread where Guerrero mentioned having nearly identical symptoms and sounded confident it was a fuel pump issue.

    I tested the fuel pump yesterday and got steady flow until the car would die from lack of fuel, filters appear fine but will likely be changed out anyways.

    I plan on replacing the fuel pump anyways to see if that solves my issue but I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to give me some advice on what to check before I start spending time and money it.
    Having the full vacuum delete has made me less confident playing with the carb but my ears are open and would love to hear some ideas on trouble shooting this.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: 86 DX Accord Hatch: Fuel pump issues? Dying while driving

    Is the float bowl emptying out before it dies? Look at the sight glass.

    The previous owner did you a favor with the vacuum delete. There is basically nothing to adjust or go wrong now. Check the vacuum delete thread and make sure it was done right though.

    Also, make sure it has a full tank of gas...

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