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Thread: 1988 Honda Accord burning oil only when fully warm

  1. #1
    DX User
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    1988 Honda Accord
    Gresham, Oregon

    1988 Honda Accord burning oil only when fully warm

    Hey all! I recently picked up a 1988 Honda Accord and have been slowly working out the kinks. I recently did a compression test which tested each cylinder at 157-161 psi of compression. yet when fully warm, the car puffs lots of blue smoke out of the tailpipe. Like a lot of smoke. It currently doesn't have a catalytic converter on it, but this is a lot of smoke for that type of issue. What could be other causes of this issue? I also did a headgasket test which said there was no headgasket leak. Thanks!

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: 1988 Honda Accord burning oil only when fully warm

    Valve seals, though I still wouldn't rule out the rings

  3. #3
    DX User
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    1988 Honda Accord
    Gresham, Oregon

    Re: 1988 Honda Accord burning oil only when fully warm

    It still could be the rings? I'm likely going to do a full head job on it, but I really don't want to do rings and a new hone. I thought that with that good of compression the rings would be good? I thought maybe they could be sticking, and hopefully a top end cleaner like seafoam could help? I can't afford anything more than a head rebuild unfortunately.

  4. #4

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    87 Accord DX

    Re: 1988 Honda Accord burning oil only when fully warm

    Yes. Compression rings don't stop oil from getting in the combustion chamber, the oil rings do. Plus I imagine there is still some degree of blow by.

    I would try some like a tablespoon or two of marvel mystery oil down the spark plug holes and letting it sit for at least 12 hours

    A valve stem seal job or a ring job are both going to be pretty cheap if you do it yourself

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