What's up everyone? Last September I got my first Honda, an 86 3Geez Sedan(DX). Over 230k miles(Odometer doesn't work until I get the speedo cable situation sorted out). I used to be a diehard maximum torque, rwd, muscle car owner(Mustang). When the trans went out in my stang I started to look for a new car, I have always had a soft spot for late 80s JDM and I saw a posting for my car at 1200 dollars. It was owned by a teenager and was his first project car. When he realised the carb was over his head he started looking to sell. I saw the post day one and it featured a sexy little video of a night drive. I went to look into it on youtube and a video called "Mushrooms 86 Honda Accord" was the top result. I watched that whole 15 minute video, absolutely mesmerised. I kept up with the Accord post and about a month after I saw it I started messaging the previous owner to give me details on the car, he couldn't get it to stay on(Simple vacuum stuff, as I found out). I was starting to become concerned someone like you guys would see it and hop on it before I could get up the funds. He seemed to appreciate how much I cared about the car before I even got my hands on it, and he was willing to take $900 if it meant it was going to go to someone who could give it the life it deserved. I got the car working nearly perfectly the first week I owned it and have driven it happily to redline every day since. These cars are like nothing else, they only want to be driven. If you have one you know what I mean. I would like to thank every member on this board because without all my predecessors I would never have had all the information I needed to save it. Keep these cars forever, they truly will go with you to the grave.