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Thread: Mahalo from NY

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Jul 2024

    Mahalo from NY

    Newly acquired ‘86 LXi hatch that I’ve been working on and can’t thank this site and Justin at Azian Garage enough for knowledge and guidance. Loving the journey with this ride and wondering if anyone in NY/NJ area (I’m in Rockland County) has a lowered / coil over suspension that I can be a passenger in for a short ride or if there are an meet ups anymore (doubtful I’m sure. I just want to make sure before I pull the trigger - was going to just keep stock, but like many others don’t like the huge gap and I’m about to add new shoes and shocks/mounts anyway, so figure this would be the time… no worries if no answer as i know this site has been up for sometime - really thankful it still lives and much gratitude for keeping it going.

  2. #2
    DX User 3rdGenHashiriya's Avatar
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    Sep 2024
    1986 Honda Accord DX

    Re: Mahalo from NY

    Not exactly the response you're looking for but welcome to the community, hope your accord is doing well. I think the only coilover options are custom made and anything you adapt from a kit for a different car will need minor changes to make them functional. Others may correct me if I'm wrong. The route I've taken is to keep the stock suspension and get larger wheels and tires to reduce the gap. The stock suspension has really good handling dynamics for serious and daily driving and I think just upsizing your wheels and tires is the best fitment option if you live in an area with many bumpy roads.
    1986 Honda Accord DX A20A1 Keihin Carb, Straight Piped

  3. #3

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: Mahalo from NY

    Ksport makes coilovers, and there are a few other brands (they're the exact same part I'm pretty sure) ysr and I think bc

    They're actually reasonable quality though. I can tell you, I have civic lowering springs in the front and cut springs in the back, kyb excel-g shocks. It rides great because the spring rates are correct, the shocks are half decent, and it's not riding on racelands. With coilovers you can buy whatever springs you want, they're fairly cheap too. If you don't like how it rides then you can find my build thread, get the spring rates, or at least the front/rear ratio (pretty sure it's like 800/600), and get new springs.

    We need more people with these cars on coilovers, your feedback is very important.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3rdGenHashiriya View Post
    Others may correct me if I'm wrong. The route I've taken is to keep the stock suspension and get larger wheels and tires to reduce the gap. The stock suspension has really good handling dynamics for serious and daily driving and I think just upsizing your wheels and tires is the best fitment option if you live in an area with many bumpy roads.
    Don't do that... Yeah it will probably be pretty cushy though
    Last edited by ShiRen; 09-24-2024 at 09:01 PM.

  4. #4
    DX User
    Join Date
    Jul 2024

    Re: Mahalo from NY

    Thank you guys. I’m looking at the Dynamic Pro Sport Coilovers, may try a larger wheel/tire setup to compare first… going to check out your build thread now. Thank you again!



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