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Thread: 86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    1986 Honda Accord LXi
    St. Louis

    86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

    I have a 1986 LXi hatchback that I had plans for but am realizing I don't have the time, space, or money for. This was the first car I've ever bought and I hate to think of it just winding up in a crusher and would love to see it go to someone who can really work on it or turn it into a nice project.

    My original plans were to swap it to a manual (it's an automatic) and then one day convert it electric with a Hyper9 motor. Because of this I have an extra manual transmission and all the parts needed for this swap.

    If the right person could use this car, I'll let it go for a few hundred bucks. I'm based in St. Louis so it's up to you to come get it.

    Like any 40 year old car there's some good and bad:

    The Good:
    -Relatively low mileage
    -Car starts and drives, I was using this as my daily about 4 months ago until I got another car.
    -Powertrain is mechanically sound
    -Well maintained with regular oil and fluid changes
    -All parts for a manual swap are on hand and included with this car

    The Bad:
    -Some moderate-severe rust by the gas tank filler neck
    -Moderate rust in the wheel arches. I've tried to stay ahead and remove and repaint but I'm not good enough to keep it totally at bay.
    -Currently power steering is broken. I had intentions to fix it but never got around to it.
    -There is a very slow oil leak coming from the left side of the engine. I have changed the timing gear oil seal but I'm not sure that fixed it. My next guess would be something from the oil pan.
    -The AC does not blow cold. Originally this came with R12 refrigerant but by the time I got it that was long gone. I fixed and recharged it with R134a which does ok. Currently it's not working, I'm not sure if it's out of refrigerant or if there is an issue with the compressor motor.

    Happy to talk more and see this go to the right person.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Stewbooboo; 10-09-2024 at 04:16 PM.

  2. #2
    LX User RI86DX's Avatar
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    Re: 86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

    Might want to post this in the 3geez marketplace on Facebook as well. You'd have to be insane to junk that car, it's too clean/low mileage.

  3. #3
    DX User
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    1986 Honda Accord LXi
    St. Louis

    Re: 86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

    I did not think of that. Good suggestion

  4. #4
    LX User Jinnai's Avatar
    Join Date
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    1988 Honda Accord LXi Hatchback
    Colorado Springs

    Re: 86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

    Oof, I love the hatchback so much. But I already have one with rust...

  5. #5
    DX User
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    1986 Honda Accord LXi Hatchback

    Re: 86 LXi, 131k miles, save it from the junkyard!

    I have the same car with the same miles also as my first car I bought almost a year ago, but seems like mine is in worse shape than yours. and I paid more than a few hundred bucks...

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