Alrighty, the 87 LXi I picked up a few months ago has been doing pretty well (already put over 7k on it) but some recent events have me wondering about the cooling system.
First off, the gauge always seems to get pretty high before the fans turn on. As in, borderline concerningly high. I'll attach a photo below that I took just after they finally kicked on (the needle was just starting on its way down at the time). When driving normally the gauge sits around 45% all the time. Only when I've been stopped for a while does it begin creeping up and eventually get so high.
Second, every time I switch the temp controls from cold to hot after it's been sitting a while (ie. in the mornings), I briefly get a lot of gurgling sounds coming from the heater core. I've never known a heater core to accumulate air but not leak so....? Thoughts? Is this somehow normal for these cars? Could it be sucking in air from somewhere as it cools down?
Today I was driving around and occasionally heard some coolant gurgling noises when accelerating away from a stoplight (this was also after it had gotten quite hot and the fans kicked on a couple times). Not quite sure what to make of that.
Lastly, I recently fixed an oil leak on the distributor and in the process bumped the TW sensor wiring. Everything still seems intact but it threw code 6 a couple times and I've noticed that if I wobble the connector it can change the idle speed, and if cold, it will also make something click very fast in the vacuum control box (cold advance solenoid I'm guessing?). Just picked up a replacement sensor but haven't installed it yet. Open to ideas if anything comes to mind there.
Anywho, I know it's a bit of a jumbled list but I'd appreciate some ideas if anyone has them. Thanks!