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Thread: Mold pouring silicone and bulk (steel) epoxy

  1. #1

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Mold pouring silicone and bulk (steel) epoxy

    So I am doing some R&D on the cylinder head. I have a few products I might need help sourcing.

    I need a strong, stretchy silicone used for mold pouring and an epoxy like JB weld that I can buy in bulk and is extremely slow to set.

    The silicone I am going to make a mold of the combustion chamber and the ports, but I do not want to cut one of my heads, so I will need to be able to pull out the silicone. I talked to some people who make molds and they gave me some tips and a couple products, but I figured I'd spitball it at you guys. Here is what they suggested: and this was on an old muscle car forum:

    The epoxy is a bit harder. The problem I have with a lot of epoxies is they set fast, I don't want something that is like tar after 2 minutes, it should be sticky, but I want to be able to take my time adding it and molding it into shape, maybe even hit it with heat to set it. But it also needs to be something like JB weld, it needs to bind strongly to metal and withstand petrochemicals. I also hate those double syringe things, I'd rather use a measuring cup. I want to use it to add material to ports, like the intake port floor, I might end up raising the intake port floor considerably, but I am not sure, I am just going to make my intake a straight shot to the valve pretty much. I can probably use normal JB weld or whatever people prefer for this type of thing, but it'll be a bit annoying.

    Once I do this though, we will have exact numbers on the combustion chamber size and port length, plus the exact 3D dimensions everywhere else. Perhaps I can even get them 3D scanned.

  2. #2

    conozo's Avatar
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    1988 Honda Accord DX, 260,000 Miles, Daily Driver
    Fort Wayne, Indiana

    Re: Mold pouring silicone and bulk (steel) epoxy

    Whenever I am looking for a super good material that is not common i add Aerospace to my search and i usually find really high grade stuff that works for my needs.

    Here is what i found.
    BSI Slow Cure 30 minute Epoxy

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

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