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Thread: ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

  1. #1
    DX User
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    1987 Accord LXi
    Corvallis, OR

    ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

    I'm trying to track down an engine mount bracket for the 89 (or 88 might work, not certain), specifically for the auto cars. Not certain if the trim model makes a difference but it needs to be for the hydraulic front mount.

    If anyone has one they would part with or knows the whereabouts of one please let me know. Thanks!

  2. #2

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

    Can you weld or know someone who does? The correct front engine mount is hard to come by even if you have a bracket. It might be easier to get a front engine mount that would fit from a newer Honda and have someone weld a simple bracket to bolt on the engine.

    Also, check out and see if there are any close junkyards that would have accords near you.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

  3. #3
    DX User
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    Re: ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

    I can weld, and funny enough I was getting ready to whip up a welded steel bracket. The part I've been struggling with is convincing myself to pull the current engine mount bracket so that I can measure it.

    I did try looking for yards with a car I could rob from but unfortunately none anywhere near me have anything useful.

    I do however have the hydraulic engine mount already. I bought a few different ones trying to figure out all the height differences with what is currently on the market and how they varried in stiffness and what not. The hydraulic definitely seems like the way to go as far as NVH is concerned so I just need to figure out the bracket. It's also way taller than the 87 LXi mount, and taller still than the normal 87 carby mount.

    Still open to anyone who may have one for sale, although I am going to start trying to figure out an alternative. If I do it'll probably be something I can sell as well if others are interested.

  4. #4
    DX User Eternal3Gee's Avatar
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    Re: ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

    One of the modifications i did on my old LX was a BMW Z4/e46 hydraulic front engine mount conversion...

    I believe one bolt lined up onto the front subframe and then I had to drill a small hole in the bottom to be able to modify and tighten the other bolt. If I'm understanding this issue correctly- then you might be able to go ahead with this as a solution to your problem?

  5. #5

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: ISO '89 Auto Front Engine Mount Bracket

    You have to watch the yards, and keep a bug-out toolbox ready. When a car pops up, drop what you're going and go gut it quick before they crush it.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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