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Thread: Differences in carbed and fuel injected blocks?

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    1988 Honda Accord
    Gresham, Oregon

    Differences in carbed and fuel injected blocks?

    Hey all! I bought an 88 accord on the cheap, got it running, rebuilt a good bit of the car before I blew the head gasket. Unfortunately, I have fallen in love with this generation of Honda Accord. What I plan on doing is pulling the engine and transmission out, rebuilding both and slapping them in a 2 door accord shell. The engine is carb'ed right now, but I would like to swap all fuel injection parts from the target vehicle onto the block and head. Are there any key differences or can I simply remove the carb intake and parts and install an injected intake? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: Differences in carbed and fuel injected blocks?

    They're the same, but it's not worth the effort to swap over a bunch of 30 year old fuel injection crap... You talk of buying a 2 door, why not just buy a 2 door LXI? Or if you really want to keep your current engine, do the easier and more performant option of putting a Weber on it.

    Also, a head gasket could not be easier on the carb model if you plan on doing the vacuum delete, and it costs like $20 to have a running, driving car.

  3. #3
    DX User
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    1988 Honda Accord
    Gresham, Oregon

    Re: Differences in carbed and fuel injected blocks?

    Yeah it’s more so that I always wanted a 2 door, was going to rebuild my engine as practice. I thought the two doors only came in LXI variants. This two door I found has a blown block.

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