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Thread: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

  1. #1
    DX User
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    88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    I relaced the carb with a rebuild OEM 5 or 6 years ago. Car has just over 200K. I have had lots of carb issues going back to a 69 bug. This has me a little stumped.

    I start and it runs fine. I drive off and in second is when I really notice it when I get going and take foot of gas to slow down, the car keeps going and even speeds up till rpm is about 3K. As soon as I tough clutch, it goes back to normal and if I keep driving it will start to speed up again. The sensor on the clutch "fixes" it.

    My guess is high idle. I have replaced lots of vacuum hoses. I have tried the quick check with starting fluid to see if there is a leak. I have not but a vacuum on the lines, which I am guessing is next.

    I am not sure the high idle is working with AC. I don't notice the usual boost from that as from before!

    This started with out anything other than age that I can think of. Seafoam and techron have been put through a few times. Filters and Fuel pressure are good. Actually fuel pump was replaced a few months ago!

    I am hoping someone has had this and can direct me to where to go.

  2. #2

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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    Well no sensor on the clutch for anything unless its a late build 89.

    It something with the mechanical linkage on the carb itself. Id start with loosening the throttle cable a little there should be some slack at idle not tight like a banjo string.

    Let the carb set its own idle. It does sound like its catching the high idle cam.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  3. #3

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    Sounds like an air leak, but only when under load. It's probably likely it's going lean whenever you are on the gas. I would expect it to be a bit stumbly if you were to mash the gas, idk. It could be something like a carb base gasket, but more likely something in the vacuum mess. It probably won't do anything playing around with carb cleaner while it's idling because whatever is leaking might not be in use.

    This is why i immediately vacuum deleted my car

  4. #4
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    It smells more like it very rich. I had considered base gasget, but really dont want to deal with that! Did you dump all vacuum or most and leave timing advance!

  5. #5

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    Only thing that is left is timing advance and the power valve, see the vacuum delete thread.

    Make sure the carb venturis are not loose and the accel pump jet isn't leaking

  6. #6
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    Figured out the switch on the clutch...the cruise control cancel. Now I can't figure out why that cancels it and the brake doesn't. I may just pull a wire off the back of the switch for now....wouldn't be the first thing i have circumvented. (aux fan may always run....figure in Texas that isn't going to cause a huge issue, and for 10 years has been ok10

  7. #7

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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    Quote Originally Posted by pat8635 View Post
    Figured out the switch on the clutch...the cruise control cancel. Now I can't figure out why that cancels it and the brake doesn't. I may just pull a wire off the back of the switch for now....wouldn't be the first thing i have circumvented. (aux fan may always run....figure in Texas that isn't going to cause a huge issue, and for 10 years has been ok10
    Good catch...could be the cruise was interfering with the throttle. There is a button on the dash low left should turn it off if its operating correctly.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  8. #8
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    button has no affect other than turn cruise on and off. It works fine at highway speeds.

  9. #9

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: 88 accord weird Carb issue that accelerates car.

    I am a bit confused about what you solved then... Id this a cruise related issue or a drivability issue? If it is a drivability issue then cruise needs to be off for diagnosis and while fixing the clutch switch might make your commute a bit easier, I don't see how it relates. The clutch switch does absolutely nothing besides kill the cruise control and do a really mediocre job of setting pedal height.

    If you think the cruise relates to a drivability issue and is doing things whether it is enabled or not, I would strongly suggest unplugging the module under the dash

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