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Thread: Steering column shaft

  1. #1
    DX User
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    Feb 2023
    Honda accord 1988

    Steering column shaft

    Has anyone here removed the steering shaft from within the steering column?
    The steering shaft in my car rattles on bumps, i want to remove the shaft and fix the bushing inside but i cannot figure it out, any ideas?

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  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    That's a really good question honestly because mine is also an assault on the ears.

    I'm willing to bet it needs to be pressed out from the top down because you wouldn't want the steering shaft to come out towards the occupant and torquing the steering wheel would also set the tolerances within the assembly (you might need to address your noise here, and since it doesn't have a pillow bushing, it might always be noisy)

    There is a section on it in the manual p487 (18-13) it says to turn the ignition to acc (unlock the column) and remove the 18mm snap ring from the top and the shaft with pull out of the bottom. It's extremely brief though.

    I would not attempt disassembly without a spare, but it would be really good information to have if you are willing to do it.
    Last edited by ShiRen; 11-19-2024 at 10:52 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    Yes tells us when you figure it out.

    I want to change out the u joint on mine.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  4. #4

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    Mine has done that rattle since 1988, never got any worse so i have never taken it apart. But if you do get it apart I bet some slight modification would need to be done to fix the rattle, seems like a bushing was not sized properly from the factory.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

  5. #5

    ShiRen's Avatar
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    It doesn't have a pillow joint so I'd think it would be noisy. I think the only modification you could do is change the spacer size by a few hairs

  6. #6
    DX User
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    Honda accord 1988

    Re: Steering column shaft

    So i couldn't get the shaft out, however i was able to pull out the bushing using an o-ring removal tool,
    After pulling it out i noticed that 2 of the prongs were gone and one was on its last legs

    Here is what i did to fix it, after removing the ring that hold the prongs, i put a socket that is about the same diameter as the shaft (13 mm socket) in the bushing and applied some oil onto it and then applied silicone around it

    i put the ring back on and greased the whole thing before putting it back into the steering column, i also greased the u joints.

    it been about two weeks and so far there is no rattle, also i had a really bad free play on the steering wheel and that is completely gone.

    Oldblueaccord i took some photos for you since you said you wanted to change the u joints.

    The first one is connected to the steering shaft.

    The second one is behind a plate that is screwed by 4 plastic "screws?" so you need to turn them to remove them.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    Thank you!

    I kick myself because Im sure they were available when I wanted to do it 10 years ago. I doubt they are now.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  8. #8
    DX User Eternal3Gee's Avatar
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    Re: Steering column shaft

    hell yeah! ive always wanted to get that play out of mine, I assumed the same as you.

    good stuff

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