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Thread: Parts wanted: Desperately searching for a RHD indicator stalk/switch gear!

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Parts wanted: Desperately searching for a RHD indicator stalk/switch gear!

    G'day from Australia all.

    I've owned my '88 Japan-made 3G for a number of years now and it's been great. However, the plastic indicator stalk has snapped and I cannot for the life of me find a replacement.

    I bought a US LHD one, but seeing as the wiper and indicator stalks are reversed it doesn't fit in the steering column cowling. Also, for some reason, the wiring plugs are different on the US model and there are fewer pins. I could splice something up with the wiring and cut up the cowling, but I want to do that as a last resort.

    I've also tried to fit a stalk from an '89 Integra, but it's completly different. Even tried to fibreglass up the old stalk, but no luck - plastic is a pain to fix once it's broken.

    Long shot, but I was wondering if anyone here from UK, Aus, NZ, Japan, Ireland, etc might have a car they're wrecking and would be willing to sell me the switch gear.

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    DX User Eternal3Gee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    1989 Accord 2.0Si Exclusive
    New Zealand

    Re: Parts wanted: Desperately searching for a RHD indicator stalk/switch gear!

    Hey bro! From NZ here! I have one out of a NZDM CA1 for you! $65NZD + shipping and its all yours! It shouldn't be as much to send as japan/USA as I'm just a jump over the water from you! how lucky! message me on Instagram @churgarage and we can organise payment and shipping

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