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Thread: Fuel pump power went bye, bye

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Oct 2024
    1983 Accord LX Hatchback

    Fuel pump power went bye, bye

    I have another thread on the newbies about this car. 1983 Honda LX HB, 5spd man. Original engine is not in the car, engine is an EK from 80-81 out of a Prelude. I changed the gaskets from top/bottom, with the exception of the main seals and cam seals. It is all back in the car with a Weber conversion, runs super well when it got gas. For some reason my fuse tripped and I lost fuel pump power. Replaced fuse, nothing. I have power at the fuse and at the Bk/y wire circled in the picture (I think it is the main out, because when I unplug the harness i have no power in the plug but I do at the male side). I tested the OHMs from the bk/y wire at the pump and the one circled in the pic (38ohms), gotta be the same wire and not broken. The other wire for the pump is a bk w/br, which I believe I found upstream from the pump. It plugs into a relay under the dash, along with 4 other wires, one which has power. According to the book i have that is the fuel shut-off relay? Any body know of a way to test it to see if it is blown? I opened it up and everything looked great, no melted solder, fried connections. Also, in the book I have it shows that there is a fuel cut off on the carb. Those would plug into the bk/y and the w/bl wire pictured, any thoughts on that; I was using the bk/y (hot) for my choke. I have also included the schematic for the 83, in hopes that it may help.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: Fuel pump power went bye, bye

    Is it on the back of the fuse box? That's where it is on the later models. It looks weird on ours too, solid state relay in a swiss cheese metal cage

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