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Thread: CAT vs. TEST PIPE??

  1. #1
    LX User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    CAT vs. TEST PIPE??

    What would the difference in power be between a high flow cat, and a test pipe? Is it worth to go illegal for the extra horsies?


  2. #2
    LXi User
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    Sep 2002
    1989 Honda Accord Lxi Hatchback
    orlando,fl... kissimmee to be exact
    if you go illegal go ahead because you save bout 150 from a hi-flow cat by just doing a str8 pipe
    *2.25" custom Catback with
    Tsudo Carbon Fiber
    Titanium Tip Muffler
    *Racing Xtreme carbon fiber
    *Civic Short Ram Intake

  3. #3
    SEi User toastyghost's Avatar
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    a 93 z34 that's getting parted out, an 86 accord lx that now lives in a j/y, and a 90 camry le that the state no longer allows me to drive. soon to be replaced with an aprilia rs50 or a derbi gpr.
    Harrisonburg VA
    and higher flow, doesn't really matter how much power when it's more performance for less money. of course it's only less $$'s IF you won't get caught and subsequently fined for improper equipment.

  4. #4

    bobafett's Avatar
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    its also harder to find a shop who will install a test pipe for you.

    all the places i have asked have said HELL NO

  5. #5
    LX User wikkedv15's Avatar
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    haha down here its basiclly a normal thing.. lol
    at the muffler shop were all the lil tuners go..
    they just ask u do u want the cat or not?
    if u say no..
    they run full piping with no striaght pipe.. just full piping which i think is better than choppin off the cat and replacing it with a piece of pipe.... no?
    i figure that on some cars they have to use a very large diameter compared to the rest of the tubing..
    ive seen this too..
    thats one reason i wanna get my sisters redone...

  6. #6
    LX User flamed89's Avatar
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    i took my car in a couple of months ago to get tested and they wouldn't test it!they said it was to low! so they gave me a waiver and sent me on my way!since they won't test it and it's needs a new cat anyway i'm just gonna get someone to make me a test pipe and put it on myself.

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