The .pdf version of the manual is already available from
Both the .zip and the .pdf versions are available for download.
The .pdf version of the manual is already available from
Both the .zip and the .pdf versions are available for download.
Very good question. I have been grappling with this for a while. Anyone have an answer? Paul?Originally Posted by Robs89LXi
well ! you can determine your model by looking at the vacuum diagrams of the carb or EFI in the FUEL section ! each model is shown separately and then compare it with your car !
Mike !
3geez member since October 4th 2001
If you take a look at your black vacuum box, there's a sticker on it (if it didnt fall off) that shows which one your's is. It has nothing to do with trim levels, it means what kind of emmisions your car's got. In my case it says KG which has the least emissions. The sticker on the black box is not the only place it says what your's is, the gauges have a sticker on them too on the bottom.
Paul. I was lost but you showed me the way. My Accord may run again after all. Thanks bigtime.
Здарова!Рад увидеть здесь русских...)
У тебя вся литература на английском языке ? на свою ничего не могу найти ...![]()
сейчас качаю видео с твоего сайта (заезд прелюда и тройки ),историю твою бегло просмотрел ,сохранил, позже почитаю ,а фотки твоего аккорда я как то раньше видел,наверное в хонда клубе ... он с карбером был ?
Павел сейчас редко посещает этот сайт, но я могу ответить на некоторые из ваших вопросов. Весь сайт Павла на английском (я сам его переводил), в том числе и литература по ремонту. На русском её не существует. Аккорд Павла, вернее оба его Аккорда (остался только один) с инжекторными двигателями. Фотки циркулируют на сайтах типа и но многих авто форумах. Буду рад помочь с любыми вопросами по машине. Моя ася: 216676971
Всего хорошего!
Привет ,Захар !!!Рад что ответил .Я хотел бы просто найти более менее подробную инфу о своем моторе(А20А1),а то у меня книженка на аккорд есть ,но на четвертый ,а там таких двигателей уже небыло ...а на свой нигде нет инфы ...![]()
Судя по фотке у тя такой же моторчик !!!может у тя есть на него что-нибудь?Ты не пробовал ставить поперечную распорку спереди ?Со стандартным воздуханом ее можно впихнуть ? А то боюсь капот может не закрыться ...![]()
Захар , а че за болда у тебя стоит возле ремня ГРМ ???
Иван, давай через асю. И про болду и про распорку ( их не делают но есть и другие варианты)Originally Posted by Ivan
Постараюсь быть доступным по аське (временной барьер
3axap!!! Why you don't reply to me?
Wow, and i thought I HAD ALOT of manuals, ahaha
I have about 3 (2") baby blue Origenal Honda school manuals and books,
From 85-90 accords/preludes/civics and i thought that was cool, wow, you collect!
the other manual that is good is the chiltons part no. 6980 honda 73-88 there is a lot of stuff in there that isn't in the haynes manual. it includes a section on the cruise control for example.
Wow, You are awesome.... i've been looking all over for a manual like this, and i haven't been able to find one anywhere. I can't thank you enough.
Do you mind if i post this up on other sites to get out to other people?
Isn't that the model from the VIN #?Originally Posted by Robs89LXi
Paul, you are Da Man!!!!!
Its AMAZING how complicated adjusting the freaking idle on this car is!!! Its half assed now, maybe I will leave it alone. Ive never messed with some propane bottle setup like its showing, what a cluster!!!!!
Anyways, THANKS A MILLION! If you are ever in Ft. Worth, Tx, stop by for a cold frosty one![]()
View my Image Gallery
1989 Honda Accord LX
2006 Toyota 4Runner SR5
1996 Dodge Ram 1500
2000 Dodge Ram 1500
1996 Acura Integra GSR VTEC (GONE)
Is it just me or is anyone else having problems trying to access the webite to download the shop manual? I need another copy cause my computer fried my other one....
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
Can anyone send me an email or the Shop manual with the supplement for my 89LXI? I checked again and the site is still down...
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
do you still need the shop manual?Originally Posted by kaltenacht
I'll send you a copy of the full CD w/
1986 Master Repair Manual (Third Edition 11/89)
1987 Supplement
1988 Supplement
1989 Supplement
1986 Accord Design Manual
for just postage and cost of cd
so like $1.25 shipped
Thank-you very much this should help out quite abit with repairs.![]()
is it possible for you to get me a copy of that?
I just got back from the Minneapolis Central Library. While there, I saw a full version of the 1989 Accord manual. It had alot of useful diagrams not found in the PDFs, and it was considerably thicker than the hardcopys they had of any other years manual. Here is a picture of one of the many fold outs:
(Full ECU Pinout, it will be very handy for figuring out my OBD-1 swap)
Does anyone know if this data would be the included in the following manual from Helm?
1989 Accord Shop Manual (All)
Price: $64.00 In Stock
(English, Paper, 61SE304)
I am tempted to take my laptop and scanner to the library, but I know that it would take a long time to scan the whole thing out of the book.
Does anyone know if the Helm manuals come bound, or are they in 3 ring binders? If they were in a binder, I could just take the pages out and throw them in my auto-feed scanner.
Last edited by Swap_File; 05-24-2006 at 04:20 PM.
is the shop manual still available? all I get are red XS