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Thread: Tube amp/sub combination

  1. #1
    LX User
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    Tube amp/sub combination

    My friend picked up a sub in a Tube with a built in amp at a garage sale for $20. The thing that Im confused about is that there is no spot for a remote turn on wire, just the power, ground and then + and - speaker wires. will this sub work without a remote turn on?

    On a side note, can I cut the end connectors off of one end of the set of RCA's and split the wires and attatch them like you would attatch regular speaker wire to the +and- terminals on a regular amp (not the RCA's)? I want to use the RCA's but I dont need the connectors on the end of the wires.

    This is a crazy amp/sub combination and ive never seen anything like it before.

  2. #2
    LX User
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  3. #3

    Vanilla Sky's Avatar
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    get pics

  4. #4
    3Geez Veteran AccordEpicenter's Avatar
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    very strange, sounds like itd be used to run it off the rear channels as an input off the head unit, and some are wierd and have automatic turn off... doesnt sound like a great setup but it just might work.
    429whp 362wtq A20 TURBO. A20T>*

  5. #5
    LX User KoNEY's Avatar
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    yeah, i know what yout talkin about. Some of the JBL amps used to have that "smart turn-on" technology that simply has a relay that detects an incoming signal from the inputs of the amp, the relay then supplies power to the turn-on device from the 12+ cable, it pretty much just eliminates the remote turn-on. As for the RCA's, i wouldnt cut them, id just tie into an existing regular-voltage speaker wire in the vehicle and hook it up to those wires, because the patch cable signal wont be bearly strong enough for a High-Input amplifier.

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