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Thread: Cometic Copper B20A head gaskets available now

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2002
    1989 Accord SEI Coupe, 08 Ford E-250
    S.Glastonbury, CT

    Cometic Copper B20A head gaskets available now

    I had one made for my turbo project not expecting to use it since i wanted a 3 layer metal gasket. But they should be able to reproduce them now with no problem and it ran me about $70 for a custom copper gasket. The only downfall is you have to have your block or head o-ringed to use copper but its our only alternative for a better gasket than stock. I must say it was a very nicely made gasket and should be fine. So for the few others if you need one contact Brandon Hare at Cometic and it was listed as a B20A gasket on my slip. I will post a part number later but if you need it let me know and i will get you the number.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    89 Honda Accord LXi, Coupe & Sedan
    Millington, TN
    That would be nice.

  3. #3

    A20A1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    2006 Chevy Cobalt LS
    Kaneohe, Hawaii, United States
    I need to add this as a link.
    - llia

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