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Thread: restore my accord, ecu identification

  1. #1
    LX User
    Join Date
    May 2002
    1989 accord lxi

    restore my accord, ecu identification

    well, as i have mentioned earlier, my new accord is some what of a mongrel. for some reason, i dont know why, my 88 accord has an 87 intake manifold, throttle body, thermostat, distributor, and head. it appears that the head up was taken from an 87, and then they cut wires on the harness and spliced connectors from the 87 in place. however they used the vacuum solonoid box from the 88 and several other 88 components, really f*cked up. so ice decided to ake the head up from my 89 lxi and put it on the 88 to restore it to its former glory. however, i do not know if the ecu was changed to an 87, which would cause a problem. so how do i identify the ecu/ecm year, and also, would the ecu work from my 89, being the 89 is an auto and the 88 is a 5 spd. oh,and any tips on how to id the components such as the distributor and thermostat as 87 or 88 would be greatly appreaciated.

    and thanks


  2. #2
    Accord of the Year - 2006

    guaynabo89's Avatar
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    May 2002
    The 86-87 ecu's are larger than the 88-89. If the ecu is about the same length as the plastic cover its a 86-87 if its a little over half the length of the cover its a 88-89.

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