lets see some pics
lets see some pics
Style Quality Uniqueness And Design
S.Q.U.A.D. Engineering
Today, while sliding all around on that same piece of snow covered ice that is my front yard, I replaced the bushings in my rear mount. I only installed one bushing, though. (The mounts all take 2 bushings, 1 per side.) I wanted it to be nice and soft. I was afraid to hit 2nd hard or launch it after doing that, since I haven't built the front mount in yet, (really did Not want to tear that bushing..) but I did it a couple times anyway.. At first it seemed tight, but then it loosened up, (I don't understand that..) and it started making a thunk sort of like a factory 94+ teg. I don't know what's bottoming out, and I don't like it. Overall the car is much smoother though, and I think a lot of the wheelhop is gone. Time for the front mount now, I guess some time next week when I'm off work..
Last edited by Accordtheory; 02-23-2007 at 06:31 PM.
wow, my brain is smokin' now! um goin' to sleep!
how did i miss this thread![]()
1988 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe 123k miles.
aluminum vs iron man
"Weight is relative to power like time is relative to speed"
Well, I suppose I could update this thread a little. I wrote before that something was bottoming out when I shifted hard, that was my back mount internally bottoming out, due to the bushing being torn apart. That's what I get for installing only a single 60a bushing in one side of it with no front mount. So I then screwed around with that some more, and built a front mount too, with another single 60a bushing.
However, my front mount broke, the piece the bushing fits into broke apart, amazingly enough. Never thought that would happen. Fatigue failure, I guess. So I just said fuck it and put an 80a bushing + another 60a in the back mount for now. However, I did something different with that setup. I enlarged the inside of the 80a bushing so it doesn't touch the metal tube that the cross bolt goes through until the motor torques. So the 60a bushing controls the motion until the motor torques enough for the 80a to contact the cross bolt aluminum tube thing, then they both control the motion. It's like 2 mounts in one. This results in a much more refined driving experience, since the 60a conducts a hell of a lot less vibration into the chassis, while the 80a is still strong enough to hold up to me chirping the tires hard into 3rd.
I really hope to have this car going with my holset hx40 this spring. I don't drive it anymore these days, the current suspension is too rough for these roads and the car needs a lot of body work, due to me fucking it up in various ways. The car is also way too loud, n/a with a 3" exhaust, even with 2 magnaflows, is still too loud. The turbo will make it a lot quieter. Guess we'll see how it all ends up in the spring time..
well it sounds like swaping a b16a(gsr etc.) isn't easyand there isn't really a step by step w/pix on how to exept 4 ACCORDTHEORY! thanx dude! so im thinking of selling my 3rd g
and buying rexi shell for $300 for my b16a.... (discouraged)
Last edited by gfrg88; 10-29-2008 at 06:21 PM.
i really need to talk to you my name is rushell i have a 1989 lxi and i have a 1993 teg i need to know what i need to do to swap the b18 from the teg into the lxi also i need to swap the gears because the gears in the teg grind and i want the taller gears of the lxi please contact me at 706 955 8860 home or 762 215 1646 cell thanks