So im switching plugs on my new 87 hatch I picked up, it had some misfire troubles so I figured id start with ignition... anyways, #3 plug was kind of a bitch to get out and it shows that one the plug itself, it has some "wear" marks where it was being hard to get out. The other 3 were fine.
And they were fine going back in, except #3, I think it may be cross threaded. I didnt notice when I pulled it out if it was sideways or anything but I pulled it out nonetheless. Now getting the new one in was tricky, it didnt line right up with the other ones, it was slightly more horizontal, but it went in about 1/8th of the way before getting tighter, so I gave it a little more and it didnt get easier. I tried pulling the plug out and then I noticed it was a little more horizontal so I tried putting lining it up the way the other ones were and it would go about the same distance, maybe a little less. But I know the way this one looks right now is right compared to my other a20 I have with a plug in the #3 hole. What the hell? Should I keep forcing it to go the way I know is right? Either way its not going all the way in right now. I didnt use alot of force that would cause it to be cross threaded.