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Thread: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

  1. #101
    SEi User ZackieDarko's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    my bad shoulda looked closer

    i thought H22 was 5lug or am i wrong? if it is how come you didn't have to convert it?

  2. #102

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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Why would a motor dictate what lug pattern too use?

    Some of you guys need to think a little or maybe think a little outta the box. Axleshafts are made everyday in all kinda configurations . I have posted that here several times call a place that does driveshafts. Its not that hard to do if you can wrap you mind around it. I think you all are over complicating alotta things

    And as far as the money goes it his car. And when is a hotrodded car worth anything anyway? there never worth more than 50% of the new parts value unless it a muscle car or an exotic. I just dont think you guys are getting it sometimes.


  3. #103

    snoopyloopy's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by ZackieDarko
    my bad shoulda looked closer
    i thought H22 was 5lug or am i wrong? if it is how come you didn't have to convert it?
    no, my friend had some preludes on his civic. not sure what year they were, but i do know they're a 4 x 100 bolt pattern.

  4. #104
    3Geez Veteran smufguy's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Hub and axles are two different things. i dont undersatnd why some associate a hub pattern based on the motor?

  5. #105
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Old Blue, I think you hit the nail on the head, man. Why do you guys think this swap is so rare? It sure as hell ain't because it's impossible...and my pockets ain't that deep. I had quite a bit of money put away and when my old A20 went (rotted plumbing, burning/leaking oil, alternator, thermostat, temp sending unit, vaccum leaks, replacing one hose after another, and the list goes on) I was like, "f*ck it" - either I scrap the car, or do what I've always wanted to do from the beginning (I used to drive a Gold '88 Ex-i auto sedan from '95 to '02 but sadly, had to part with it because it was rusting to hell with almost 400,000km on it). I knew exactly what I was getting into when I decided to do this swap, and it's not like it happened overnight (that's for god damn sure). I'm probably gonna be dumping a whole lot more money into this baby over the next few years before I get it looking and running the way I want it to.
    Iceman, I can't really tell cuz I hadn't driven the car for about 9 months prior to the swap completion. I don't really notice a big diff in weight...could be because a lot of old shit is gone (HL retractor units, A/C, half a cross member (lol), and power steering components will be out shortly) or at least it seems to be. Funny but it seems like I have a hell of a lot more room in the engine bay than I did before! Maybe it's just me, but I think the H22 looks a whole lot cleaner than the A20 installed. Right now I'm still using the 18 year old stock suspension which needs to go. That much I do know as far as the handling goes. I'm lookin' at a Ground Control Coil Over kit complimented by a set of Bilstein HD struts, Addco anti-sway bars (cuz they are more rear biased than the ST set, which I hear is better for FWD because it helps with oversteer), and custom strut bars.
    ProComp, what would you recommend for the engine bay "clean-up". Gimme some ideas. If the thermostat ain't hooked up, I'm getting temp readings from somewhere. The EGR hook-up and filter are coming along with my camber kit install with my next stop at the mechanic...soon.
    Last edited by H22AccordSE-IV; 04-19-2006 at 11:04 PM.
    An H22 swapped into a 3G Accord is the kind of stuff you only read about in fairy tales.

  6. #106
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    fluxcore is a overdone for welding just exhaust pipe, you should get some basic er70s-6 with a 75% or 80% argon/ 20-35% CO2 it will be a bit easier to use especially on thin gauge material. fluxcore is more for heavy duty stuff thats 1/2" and up, however if you get the 80/20 mix you can weld thicker material in spray transfer mode[/QUOTE]
    I disagree with that..c02 is a much "cooler" gas than argon, that makes it easier to weld with it on thinner materials. Not to mention being a lot cheaper than argon..

  7. #107
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    h22accordse-iv, just bask in your one else is going to do this swap..

  8. #108
    LX User theDougler's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by Accordtheory
    fluxcore is a overdone for welding just exhaust pipe, you should get some basic er70s-6 with a 75% or 80% argon/ 20-35% CO2 it will be a bit easier to use especially on thin gauge material. fluxcore is more for heavy duty stuff thats 1/2" and up, however if you get the 80/20 mix you can weld thicker material in spray transfer mode
    I disagree with that..c02 is a much "cooler" gas than argon, that makes it easier to weld with it on thinner materials. Not to mention being a lot cheaper than argon..[/QUOTE]
    that is correct, however the argon is also added with the co2 to stablize the arc, because you get a very eratic arc when welding with just co2
    gonna miss my 3gee
    next project neuspeed jetta

  9. #109
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Congrats to all you guys with 86/87 3rd gens! Being 20 years or older, believe it or not, technically makes your car a "classic" (25 or older makes it an antique!). I find that hard to grasp, but I still get a kick out of it. Keep your 3rd gens alive forever because they will soon become a very rare breed!

    An H22 swapped into a 3G Accord is the kind of stuff you only read about in fairy tales.

  10. #110
    SEi User ICEMAN707's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    i would love to see a k-series swap into a 3gee someday. modern engine in a classic, fully restored body. using everything off the civic k-series swaps. just fabricate brackets to accept the civic k-series swap mounts, then custom axles and wiring. would be nice to have a futuristic k-series engine like the ones in the 06 civic si's in the 3gee. now that would be a sight to see.

  11. #111
    SEi User ZackieDarko's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by ICEMAN707
    i would love to see a k-series swap into a 3gee someday. modern engine in a classic, fully restored body. using everything off the civic k-series swaps. just fabricate brackets to accept the civic k-series swap mounts, then custom axles and wiring. would be nice to have a futuristic k-series engine like the ones in the 06 civic si's in the 3gee. now that would be a sight to see.
    I have been thinking the exact same thing. Be expensive tho.

  12. #112
    2.0Si User speedpenguin's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Let's not get ahead of ourselves, people.
    We just found out the H22 was possible, I don't know if I can handle the excitement of a K20 for a little while

    Of course I'm lazy. If I wanted to work on my car I'd have gotten a DSM
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  13. #113

    Vanilla Sky's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    remember, any swap is possible. we've seen v8s in 2nd and 4th gens. it just takes patience and money to get it done.

  14. #114
    3Geez Veteran smufguy's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    but practicaly should never be a trade off

  15. #115
    2.0Si User speedpenguin's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanilla Sky
    remember, any swap is possible. we've seen v8s in 2nd and 4th gens. it just takes patience and money to get it done.
    I've seen a V8 in the passenger seat of a 510, but I'm talking about a clean practical swap here.
    Don't tell me you didn't get excited seeing an H22 in 3G either, I don't believe it. Anything's possible, but there's a 1st-time for everything as well, and it's nice to see.
    Anyway, I was just joking, I'd be psyched to see a K in one of or engine bays anytime.
    Last edited by speedpenguin; 04-20-2006 at 08:05 AM.

    Of course I'm lazy. If I wanted to work on my car I'd have gotten a DSM
    Daily Drivers Done Right

  16. #116
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    I asked my mechanic about the K24 and he said it wouldn't fit. He was working on a Civic hatch at the time that had the K24 swap with velocity stacks. Now that would be a swap for a 3rd gen!
    An H22 swapped into a 3G Accord is the kind of stuff you only read about in fairy tales.

  17. #117
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Somebody tell me something - and then slap the JDM H22A 200HP or 220HP? My mechanic said it was 200, somebody else told me it was 215, and now I just read that it's 220 on!?! WTF? Anybody?
    An H22 swapped into a 3G Accord is the kind of stuff you only read about in fairy tales.

  18. #118
    SEi User ZackieDarko's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    As with all engines they make differnt HP in different area's of the world. Take California for example their emissions standards are the highest in the United States and their cars put out different power numbers then cars say here in Washington state.

    So who knows.

  19. #119

    snoopyloopy's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    Somebody tell me something - and then slap the JDM H22A 200HP or 220HP? My mechanic said it was 200, somebody else told me it was 215, and now I just read that it's 220 on!?! WTF? Anybody?
    i think it depends on what model of car it came in. but i do know that they came with up to 220 in some forms. and since they don't have numbers after the second letter like we do, it's harder to find out that information. probably just get it dynoed.
    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    I asked my mechanic about the K24 and he said it wouldn't fit. He was working on a Civic hatch at the time that had the K24 swap with velocity stacks. Now that would be a swap for a 3rd gen!
    anything is possible with time, money, and determination. people said the h22 was "impossible" until you came along. so a k-series should be along the same lines. i heard that these fellows in either new zealand or australia shoved a k20 into an 86 or 87 civic. so in a 3g definitely shouldn't be impossible.

  20. #120

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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    Somebody tell me something - and then slap the JDM H22A 200HP or 220HP? My mechanic said it was 200, somebody else told me it was 215, and now I just read that it's 220 on!?! WTF? Anybody?

    My research found that the "blue top" H22 is rated for 220. I never really got what it came outta in Japan. The valve cover is a medium dark blue color.

    clear as mud : )


  21. #121
    SEi User ICEMAN707's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    I asked my mechanic about the K24 and he said it wouldn't fit. He was working on a Civic hatch at the time that had the K24 swap with velocity stacks. Now that would be a swap for a 3rd gen!
    well i also have a 93 civic and if a k-series can fit in that small engine bay, it would definitely fit in the 3gee. just a matter of positioning, but the 3gee has alot more room under the hood than the civic WIDTH-wise. but the civic doesn't have crossmembers underneath or trailing arms so that could be why it has enough room underneath, it has more room HEIGHT-wise since it allows the motor to be dropped lower for more room. it uses brackets attaching the engine/tranny to the sides of the frame rail in conjunction with the top motor mounts.

    as far as the front crossmember, you can use a 90-93 integra front crossmember and i believe h22's swaps are common for those cars too if im not mistaken? or just b-series swaps? anyways, i would have a custom tubular front crossmember made instead. lighter and stronger.

  22. #122
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    Somebody tell me something - and then slap the JDM H22A 200HP or 220HP? My mechanic said it was 200, somebody else told me it was 215, and now I just read that it's 220 on!?! WTF? Anybody?

    JDM H22A makes 200hp/6800rpm and 161lb.ft/5500rpm when US and EURO H22A1 make 190hp/6800rpm and 158lb.ft/5500rpm.
    JDM H22A has 10.6:1 C/R when US/EURO H22A1 have 10:1 C/R

    There are other versions of H22 with red head cover like EDM ACCORD TYPE-R
    (6th gen) with 212hp (11:1 C/R, better head, cams, intake manifold compared to the standar H22A) or the jdm Accord with F20 (blue head cover)2.0L 200hp (destroked H22A)..

    H22A is the best 4 cyl car engine ever produced on auto industry (as many top auto journalist have said in the years before), and there is much more power and torque than the newer K20 and K24 there is no need for someone to try swap a K series on Accord 3G if he can swap H22A.
    Even the F20C from S2000 is totally underpowered compared with H22A until 6000rpm....
    The weight difference is just 75lbs
    B18C-R and K20A weight about 400lbs with Tranny when H22A weights 475lbs (with tranny).

    Dear H22AccordSE-IV you can very easy go 220hp with just 2.75 inch exhaust, cat out or race cat, CAI, DC header and remap ECU with totally stock block.
    Then you can work on suspension-wheels set-up and have a top N/A sleeper!

    Good luck and congrats again for your car!!!

  23. #123
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Thanks, Lok. When you said "2.75 in exhaust", did you mean from the header back or just the muffler itself? WIth piping that large, wouldn't I lose quite a bit of low end power? Why not 2.5 inches?


    Big fan of low-end torque
    An H22 swapped into a 3G Accord is the kind of stuff you only read about in fairy tales.

  24. #124
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    I'm reading about a civic right now in an old issue of turbo and high tech performance (may 05) that has a k series swap. jdm rsx type r k20 with a cold air intake, (stock IM) toda high power cams, 'prototype racing' 4-2-1 header going to a 3" exhaust, tuned with hondata. That's all it took to get 256 whp. Lok, you still think the h22 is the best engine honda ever made?
    (No offense, h22accordse-iv)
    I would say look up the exhaust sizing on h-t to see what would work best on the h22. I would probably go with bigger is better though, you can always upgrade other things to match later..

  25. #125
    LX User ex1z7's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike's89AccordLX
    Well we've heard the same story over and over so
    Better yet take a picture of the motor with a $1 bill on the valve cover. After that is done then we would believe you. Close up pics not from like 50 feet away.
    We don't have 1$ bills in Canada, we have loonies =)

    Quote Originally Posted by snoopyloopy that's < US $6000 for the swap (not counting all the things you got repaired). not bad.
    As of today (April 22nd '06) it's 5,457.36 US Dollars, from his 6,212.50* figure.

    And h22accord se-iv, nice.. Nice swap..

    And you still havn't answered anyone about the filter question :P
    Anybody with a pulse and eyesight can get excited looking at $250,000 supercars. It takes a special kind of gearhead to drool over an Accord, Sentra, Corolla or anything else made out of parts found in dumpsters, scrap yards, and along the side of the highway.

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