I am so doing this when my bodywork is done. I read all 80+ pages on it.
I am so doing this when my bodywork is done. I read all 80+ pages on it.
Can you buy the metal flakes to put in the Rustoleum? I'm going to shoot it with a HVLP Gun.
hey bitesieze when do you think you will paint it?...i cant wait...if yours come out good il paint mine the same
1989 Honda Accord LX-i
B18c1 swap since 7/2011
175whp and 132tq
Redzone tuned
Originally Posted by MessyHonda
Probably in Spring time, when it starts warming up. It gets pretty damn cold in Idaho during the winter, so it wouldn't turned out as well as warmer weather. I've still got alot of body work do, especially since the wreck.
i might try this on our barina for a test lol ill try do it cheaply-er
You should, I want to see the outcome.
Can you spray it with a wagner![]()
- llia
Originally Posted by A20A1
OOOO. good question mike. i would say thats one to test. the best part about this paint/ method is you have 1 or 2 outcomes...
1 you loose 20 bucks worth of walmart paint (personally ive spent more on stupid shit)
2 you come out with a bangin paint jjob for 20 bucks.
Originally Posted by A20A1
I remember someone on Moparts saying they used one, and it turned out good. Just wetsand it more if use the wagner I'd say.![]()
if i wanted to do a clearcoat over top, can i polish my basecoat and lay clear over that to get an extra shine? or do I lay clear over top of my last coat?
Well, if your doing this roller brush job, you better wet sand the base coat nice & even before you lay clear on. Yeah, lay the clear over your last coat of base. Personally, I wouldn't lay clear on using a roller brush, just don't make sense unless you like wet sanding a lot.Originally Posted by qh187
Last edited by 88Accord-DX; 11-17-2006 at 10:37 PM. Reason: spacing on my part
Looks good Reno
Got any outside pics.
Nothing yet, I just took these right now, cuz I put my corners in and its dark outside anyway, ill have some later this weekOriginally Posted by picopop
nice man nice just paint around the edges and your set
1988 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe 123k miles.
i am going to do this in the summer but for now i am going to do a rattel can job
1988 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe 123k miles.
SWEEEET! I was just debating with my bro about paint on his '88 accord 4-dr and he was complaining about the cost but i think we've found the solution! If i do the 2 coats & wetsand, 2 coats & wetsand, 2 coats & wetsand and get a nice smooth finish should I shoot some clear over top to give it the shine? Also, what colours can this method be used for? (we were thinking either a black or white, but all options are open).
thanks guys.
black will show everything , white kinda hides stuff . alltho i did see reasonable cheap paint at advanced auto parts today , liek $20 a quart of paint but its duplicolor i dunno how good it is
1989 Accord Lx-i hatchback (current DD project)
1986 Olds Cutlass 442 clone (never ending project)
3Geez resident body man
Owner of Wreck-less auto body
I'm trying it. I just gotta get my bodywork done, which should be probably in the next week or 2. In the mean time, I am going to do a test on a door off my mom's old windstar. I'm buying paint and supplies thursday. Is anyone interested in me posting pics, or is the mopar website enuf?
you can do your whole car with an airbrush if you want.Originally Posted by brownj218
after mine was painted i took the left over paint and some clear and did all the trim with it and it came out great.
although i was dumb and didnt ask the body guy so i didnt realize it had to have hardener for it to ever dry. so it was tacky for a while and collected dust, but i will fix it someday.
anyway, despite that stupidity it came out great.
and actual auto paint isnt that expensive. but clear is like 100 bucks a gallon.
I was about to test this roll-on method on my junker b4 repainting my 88... but then a friend offered to loan me a sprayer. I just rebuilt my tranny and want my car to look decent. Any advice on which way to go?
I would get some scrap parts from a junkyard, and practice spraying before i would spray a car.Originally Posted by jennwv
1989 Accord LX: Sold with 208k-now somewhere around 230k with new owner
2014 Elantra Sport 6MT
2000 Montero Sport 4x4 (beater, trail rig)
Do you re-use the foam roller? If so, how do you clean it after each use?
wow, going back to read my own post on this old thread. I was out of my ever lovin mind, I don't even remember writing it. That was a little over a week after having back surgury and pretty heavily medicated![]()
Basically nothing was said that was not true but dam.
Don't do drugs folks, even though you think you are all together you really ain't and it shows... anyway back on topic
It is very possible to get a nice look out of rattle cans, and brushes or rollers. Use high quality materials, no nylon bristles, and pay close attention to your environment. Sanding- very important to use sponge blocks for wet and hard blocks for dry. Use a tack rag, have two on hand if you can.Also, there is equipment out there now that You can use to spray professional automotive paint without having large shop two stage compressor and expensive paint guns. Harbor freight, pep boys, for example have paint guns that clone the high dollar ones.. for a tenth of the price , just fine for personal hobby use.
Also You can use small oil-less compressors, hooked together to an extra air tank you use for tires.
dont do it!!! lol, i did it on my moms van hood, after about 6 months now i guess, its peeling like a mother. and i prepped it real good. i had the time cuz i was only doing a hood. ya, i think its the canadian winters, but its peeling everywhere. its been outside since i painted it