Okay everybody, this is what you've all been waiting for! I got my Canadian EL head back from the shop. Boy is she purdy. Clean enough to eat off of. Here's the pics side by side of the original head from my 1981 US Accord with the EK1, vs the head I picked up from Mike (guyhatesmycar) up in Canada off of his EL engine.
The clean one is the Canadian head. The dirty one is the American one.
Please note that these are both 1981 model year heads.
The Canadian one has no CVCC, and is from a 1602 EL block.
The American one does have CVCC, and is from a 1751 EK1 block.
I have no idea what the earlier American EL heads with CVCC looked like. I'm sure they looked like a combination of these two heads.
This will probably make sense as to why the 1602 Canadian cars put out the same horsepower as the 1751 US cars.
Note the different port layout. Exhaust ports are on top in this picture (because the head is upside down). The exhaust ports are more evenly spaced. I believe that this flows better in through the exhaust system. Also notice that the ports on the EL head are quite a bit bigger, but it may be hard to tell by looking at these pictures. Just trust me on this one.
Here's the combustion chambers. Big difference here being the lack of CVCC auxillary valve. Notice on the Canadian head, the spark plug goes directly into the combustion chamber, instead of into the pre-chamber.
The spark plug holes had to be cast differently. Obviously this is due to the relocation of the spark plug tip, from the pre-chamber on the US head to the combustion chamber on the Canadian head.
Here's the distributor side. Looks pretty much the same on both heads. Distributor, thermostat and housings are interchangable.
This side is pretty much identical. Different cam gears were used. The Canadian head has a cam gear that looks suspiscously like the one on the '95 Civic that I replaced the head gasket on... Hmm, might an adjustable cam gear for the D16 work for this?
Here's a top down view. Quite similar in design of the head itself. But note again, the lack of CVCC aux valves and rockers. Also the cam only needs 8 lobes on the Canadian head instead of 12, so I think this also makes it more durable.
Here's another view of the CVCC valve area. Just for more reference.
Again, a big thanks to guyhatesmycar for just GIVING me this cylinder head. Sure made this project loads more fun, and should give me a little performance bump.