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Thread: TW Sensor!

  1. #26

    epic1400cs's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor!

    That is actually what have happened to mine - after installing the new sensor the connector wire snapped.

    Push the two pins backwards then the two wires clamped against the pins came out with rubber insulation which was inside of the green plastic outer shell of the connector.
    Broke the black rubber, removed the wires carefully from pins, soldered new wires to the pins, inserted back into the green plastic connector and filled the empty gap where black rubber was with Shoegoo in black - not sure if it is heat resistance though.
    Then soldered the new wires with the connector to the healthy part of the wires on the car, phew.

    Also noticed that to install the sensor, I needed special sensor wrench or crowfoot wrench, otherwise the top plastic part of the sensor will be broken like my old sensor.

  2. #27

    carotman's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor!

    If you actually need to replace part of the connector, a company called Cycle Terminals has almost everything you may need.

    For the TW sensor in particular check here:

    Motorcycle .090 - 2.3mm Connector and Terminals
    3geez member since July 12 2000

    I need these parts!

  3. #28

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor!

    This amazon link is the correct part. currently $12 amazon prime. It looks to be the same part in similar OBD 0 and OBD 1 honda cars.

    Listing Description

    SEEU. AGAIN Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 37870-PJ7-003 Compatible with Honda Accord Civic CR-V CRX Insight Odyssey Pilot Prelude S2000 / Acura CL Integra Legend MDX NSX RL TL Vigor/Isuzu Oasis Alternate/OEM Part Number(s): 213718, 25174240, 37870PJ5003, 37870PJ7003, 37870PK2005, 37870PK2015, 5862028470.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

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