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Thread: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

  1. #1

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    supercharged mini-A20 why not?


    I was looking around at toyota 4AG-ZE intake setups and ran across this nice design

  2. #2
    SEi User ZackieDarko's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?


  3. #3
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    yeah looks good i wonder if an a20 is going to get supercharged.

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i
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  4. #4

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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    I have been biding on ones on E bay for about a year but I'm too cheap to get a new kit. Someday.

    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  5. #5

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    a freind of mine has a powerdyne that "needs bearings", it came off a chevy. I am waiting for him to stop thinking so much of it heh heh

  6. #6

    AccordB20A's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    ha reminds me of the time i looked at a 4agze and thought it was an AC compressor

  7. #7

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by wohdog View Post
    ha reminds me of the time i looked at a 4agze and thought it was an AC compressor
    I want one, 4agze

  8. #8

    'A20A3''s Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    hilarious looking motor. but yeah i think it could be done. just some welding. and a non-roots style supercharger. and advil. and budweiser. nevermind the advil.

  9. #9

    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Maybe it's just me, but is that supercharger even hooked up????

    Good idea though. Setup like that might be good on a suckthru setup. Good with a single Weber for powah! Maybe a single DCOE piped off the side!

  10. #10
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    mini cooper supercharged don't laugh too much,those things won a ton of road races,also the early hondas that looked like them,won a lot of ralleys right along side them.

  11. #11
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Anybody else notice the SU on the side? it looks like a blow through SU setup. it probably has the tubing disconnected. also notice the dual master cyl on a morris minor? it'sa competition car,they came with single bores,thats a dual master racing setup.

  12. #12
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    it's a pull through my bad,since SU's respond like a FI system to airflow,the more air that can flow into the motor,the better. thats a really good setup for a supercharger. when the engine is under load and the charger pulls more air,the carb responds by adjusting the mixture. i wonder what brand supercharger that is.........lost thinks....blowthrough setup?

  13. #13
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    I am new to the forums; my name is martino, and I am running an 89 accord dx with a weber38, webcam regrind, hi-flow cat, and pacesetter headers in Ca.

    That being said, its finally happening. The "list of supercharger steals" (AutoSpeed - Supercharger Steal - Part One) are now showing up on eBay from Japanese dismantlers at reasonable prices. I purchased an SC14 (off a toyota 1G-GZE) for $280 including shipping. It will be going on my a20 accord dx. It will be tricky.

    As mentioned above, it will be difficult to mount above the manifold b/c of the shock tower, but may work with a custom manifold & possibly moving the alternator. I also see a way to strengthen the shock tower & shave off enough material/ reroute the pspump lines for the belt drive.

    It would fit in leu of the a/c compressor, but unless you are running EFI, there will be too much lag & pooling of fuel with the intake running against gravity-- this is a no-go with a Carb setup. This has been done on an EFI civic already & is on youtube to prove it can be done, but a poor plan with a carburetor & switch engageable supercharger clutch.
    Last edited by mdauriemma; 06-29-2015 at 11:14 AM.

  14. #14

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by mdauriemma View Post
    I am new to the forums; my name is martino, and I am running an 89 accord dx with a weber38, webcam regrind, hi-flow cat, and pacesetter headers in Ca.

    That being said, its finally happening. The "list of supercharger steals" (AutoSpeed - Supercharger Steal - Part One) are now showing up on eBay from Japanese dismantlers at reasonable prices. I purchased an SC14 (off a toyota 1G-GZE) for $280 including shipping. It will be going on my a20 accord dx. It will be tricky.

    As mentioned above, it will be difficult to mount above the manifold b/c of the shock tower, but may work with a custom manifold & possibly moving the alternator. I also see a way to strengthen the shock tower & shave off enough material/ reroute the pspump lines for the belt drive.

    It would fit in leu of the a/c compressor, but unless you are running EFI, there will be too much lag & pooling of fuel with the intake running against gravity-- this is a no-go with a Carb setup. This has been done on an EFI civic already & is on youtube to prove it can be done, but a poor plan with a carburetor & switch engageable supercharger clutch.
    Well we do know that the alternator can be moved in lieu of the AC compressor and that a lot of material and junk can be shaved off the carbed manifold...
    Please, if you can, post things when you get started with the project, that would be interesting and somebody may have some ideas to help if you were open to that.

  15. #15
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    I will put pictures up when my new galaxy phone comes in. The supercharger is scheduled for delivery tomorrow, but in the meantime, I had a genius idea:

    I plan to bolt the SC14 on the intake manifold with homemade plates/gaskets. I then plan to bolt my weber38 on top of the supercharger. What about the belt?
    Well, I can use a small pulley on the main belt (or ac pulley with a new belt) welded to a shaft in bearings mounted onto the intake manifold. with another pulley of the exact same size at the other end of the shaft to drive the supercharger on a separate belt. This should keep the right drive ratios if I'm thinking correctly.

    The only down side of this is that the weber/air filter will stick out the top of the hood ~4 or 5 inches. My car will not be a sleeper, but the draw through setup will be safe and have 0Lag.

    I also have a rebuilt Qjet 4bbl sitting around from my dad's olds 350rocket if the weber cannot be jetted high enough.

    I will run the electric clutch on the supercharger from a custom switch that follows the carb's second barrel if the weber is robust enough.

  16. #16

    87roach's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    That sounds like an awesome project, be sure to make your own build thread!

    My hatch build thread(started in winter of 07).

  17. #17
    SEi User Hauntd ca3's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by lostforawhile View Post
    Anybody else notice the SU on the side? it looks like a blow through SU setup. it probably has the tubing disconnected. also notice the dual master cyl on a morris minor? it'sa competition car,they came with single bores,thats a dual master racing setup.
    No race car
    mini's had hydraulic clutch , hence 2 mc's

  18. #18

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    Very cool project! Please take us along with you by posting lots of progress pics as you build.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  19. #19
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: supercharged mini-A20 why not?

    wow this thread came alive after 8 years. haha glad I'm still around too even tho I'm just a lurker

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i
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