Legend alt's are 100 amp?!?! I'll go get one right now.... lol
Most the times when your alt doesn't charge and your battery gets beat up, they don't come back most the time.
Legend alt's are 100 amp?!?! I'll go get one right now.... lol
Most the times when your alt doesn't charge and your battery gets beat up, they don't come back most the time.
Bass like Base... Not fish.
When you look in my car you cant tell I have anything, stock speaker covers and no wires showing
I like half the cars with iPod stickers in seattle, lol,
got a iPod, its wired from my dashbox to the back of my deck, cant see my 80gig
my car might look stock but it has 99 horsepower!
^ Oh shit, look out! I put 79hp down on the wheels, lol... I have the dyno sheet somewhere.
I might fall into an LX-i tomorrow.![]()
Bass like Base... Not fish.
4 pin alternators can be made to work in carb cars you just need to lop the 3 pin plug of the carby loom and match the colours and use a 4 pin, the 4th wire ..well just ignore it. all the other times i have fucked alternators i did this the other way around, my engine loom has both now a 3 pin and 4 pin haha back when i had a shitty amp that used to make my alternators blow up all the time.
can any one help me? i dont know what capacitor to use im running a 1200 watt amp and 2 12" kenwood 1200 watt peak subs
Never use a capasitor. Your battery/grounds aren't up to par if your lights are dimming. A good battery is a little less $ than a crapasitor, so get a really good battery instead.
Bass like Base... Not fish.
I thought capacitors lessen direct draw on the battery, of course you should have a good ground wire, not trying to argue with anyone, i got my cap for $25 new on ebay, its not a fosgate but i dont think it really matters because theres not alot to caps, there just over priced like computers
My lights dont dim, I do have a good ground and 4 awg wire, I also have a cap, because a friend recomended it because his lights dimmed, but maybe his shit wasn't grounded properly
I really shouldnt post because i have lost all interest in stereo stuff, never put sound deadiner like i had planned, I just let it slap
I forget the formula for capacitance charge, i beleive it takes 5 something to charge 1 farad, its been awhile since i dropped out of college, lol
ok just rip on my post now
lol well i have a optima red top less than a year old 6 months maby and 0gauge wire as ground so idkk im going to try a cap but idk what size to get
lessismorespl has been my source for hating capasitors. He's been doing audio for 20+ years.
Bass like Base... Not fish.
Bass like Base... Not fish.
oh good jesus, whats the problem?
You didn't see the whole thread about Optima and how in the last couple years, the price went up and the quality went WAY down?
I'm running close to 1500watts rms to my setup and it doesn't dim much at all. It dimmed a little before I put a bigass ground from the battery to the strut tower.
Last edited by Bass Man; 01-04-2010 at 06:02 PM.
Bass like Base... Not fish.
no i didnt see the thread, nor did i see any post from gtmst about his lights dimming, but I'm sure an optima battery is better if not the same as my 40 dollar shucks battery, idk, I dont have any problems with my system or dimming, I do know at one point before i put in my subs a guy at the audio store tried to sell me a power cell for some redicuelus price
my lights do dim and under high load the radio will actually turn off wen im idleing like at a light or somthing then turn back on wen i start driving and i appoligise my bttery is actually about 2 1/2 years old maby three and i started out with a yellow top but my system killed it within the week
sounds like you have a bad ground, and or your battery clamps are shot, if my car was doing that because of bass, I would take my subwoofers and amp out
you gave alot more info than before, when did you get your car? when did you get the subs? who put them in? how does your engine run?
take your car into an auto part store and have them run a free diognostic on the battery
i work in an auto shop ive had the car for 3 1/2-4 years put the system in about a year later did a battery relocation the right way and changed all the grounds used 0 gauge new battery clamps etc. the only thing that i could be possibly needing other that a cap is maby my voltage regulator is bad
oh and it did the same thing before the relocation so that had no effect
Last edited by gtmst3; 01-04-2010 at 07:18 PM.
my friend had a bad voltage regulator in his 200sx, and thats what his car did, he would have to rev his car up to keep the lights on, then would dim with anything on, winsheild wipers, if you work at a autoshop what do your coworkers say? your batery is old but it shouldnt do that, i had my battery clamp come off and my car still ran, my battery light came on at idle, and i put it back on
Last edited by accordion89; 01-04-2010 at 07:26 PM.
thats what they said the voltage regulator ill have to test it dont want to spend the 90 to replace the alt though
if your car needs it, man up and buy it, you didnt get the amps and subs for less than $90
I dont like buying gas but my car needs it, i buy it
im going to see how long it will last first or try a jy voltage regulator for cheap
when I'm low on gas, i dont see how long my car will go, I'm going to have to fill it up anyway