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Thread: Weird issue, need help

  1. #1
    DX User
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    New York

    Weird issue, need help

    First the car is an 89 DX.

    Ok, problem is when I start the car in the morning, it fires up on the first crank and after about 10 seconds it seems like its going to stall. If I stand on the gas I get it to stay on. When the engine temp get up to about 170 degrees the idle jumps up to 4k rpm and will bounce from there to 3.5k. It will do this for about 15-20 minutes. After reving the motor to try and get the idle down, it will finally fall and after this it will idle, run and drive normal.

    Has anyone ever experienced this before?

  2. #2

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    86 LX JDM B20A

    Re: Weird issue, need help

    yes many of us have

    The fast idle pull off is not working properly most likely.
    The first thing to check is, make sure you do not have leaking vacuum hoses or broken. You can try getting some carb cleaner spray and clean inside the top of the carb, then spray some wd40 on all the linkages & moving parts on the carb itself.
    If you go to the technical section of the forum to carbs you may learn a few things. Also do a search for the problem, There are some nice write ups here that will explain better than I can.

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