This forum is for documenting projects you're working on through every step of the build. No other types of threads are to be posted in here. If you would like to comment on a member's project, then reply in the relevant thread. If you would like to contact a member or moderator, use the private message system.

All threads that are not projects will be deleted.

And please, keep it to one thread per project. I don't want the moderators to have to be merging threads. You can post as many projects as you like, so long as they are different.


A project thread is a step-by-step pictorial of something that you are working on with your car. It could be a step-by-step review of how you painted your wheels. It could be a step-by-step custom interior project like new upholstery or design changes. It could be a step-by-step thread with pictures of how you installed a turbo. Simple.