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Thread: D Series Swap...

  1. #201
    LXi User Vector's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    i'm contemplating a D - AUTO in the SE-i when the A dies.. why?, better fuel mileage, that is all.. i have 2 other cars that are for fast fun..

    i've pretty much given up on that motor.. i've replaced so much stuff on it already and i still cant get it to run properly..
    Last edited by Vector; 04-28-2010 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #202
    LXi User Vector's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    ..... dbl post
    Last edited by Vector; 04-28-2010 at 08:13 AM.

  3. #203

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    Re: D Series Swap...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomisimo View Post
    I had one guy at school, with D16 in a civic, he stated he will be faster, and he was, untill I got in to 3rd gear. 1st and 2nd in our gear boxes are bust. the A20 is torq engine, and will pull off IRL conditions. on mountain roads for example.
    kid was either in a messed up d16 or didn't know how to drive, you also don't state what civic it was in? if it was an ek/ej they are heavier and weight about as much as the 3g, in which case i would believe an underpowered engine with no breathing would die in third gear, my guess is he had a dx or an lx with that d16 and no vtec, couple that with inexperience with hondas and yes third gear would kill him, third gear in most long geared cars is going to be your death.
    dead white and blue

  4. #204
    2.0Si User ShyBoyCA6's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomisimo View Post
    Change your oil, filter, spark plugs, wires, air filter, and wash on the inside, so the car feel happy. Jk. and take it out for a long drive, stay in high gear 3rd and 4th most of the time. keep it at constant speed 50-60mph in those gears. dont push your clutch in, just coast on dry downhill, using engine as a brake, let it breath. You'll get rid of all carbon your engine neglected in city driving, its suffocating I bet. you'll feel the difference, trust me.

    oh ok cause i was gonna do a rebuild on it to see if it had any wore out parts and ill give that a try thanks tomisomo.

  5. #205

    Tomisimo's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    Quote Originally Posted by stat1K View Post
    kid was either in a messed up d16 or didn't know how to drive, you also don't state what civic it was in? if it was an ek/ej they are heavier and weight about as much as the 3g, in which case i would believe an underpowered engine with no breathing would die in third gear, my guess is he had a dx or an lx with that d16 and no vtec, couple that with inexperience with hondas and yes third gear would kill him, third gear in most long geared cars is going to be your death.
    yes, it was EJ Vtec engine in it. he has another cars with good power, this was hes DD on Bags tho, so maybe it was heavy because of that idk, but anyhow, we were neck and neck. 3G looses at 1st and 2nd gear pulls, where you loose your time.

    Its prttey fnuny how you can raed tihs eintre snetnece with all tehse ellters out of palce...

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  6. #206
    DX User CB Coupe SEi's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    I'm a older member, now 59. My son has a 1994 Civic ex coupe with the D16Z6 engine in it. We had to replace the original headers because they were cracked, with aftermarket ones. My son always felt it had very good performance and mileage. I bought it from him when he moved on to a different car. I found a factory dual exhaust replacement from Honda for my accord sei and put the aftermarket dual tip muffler on the civic. Which I'm thinking gives it lower back pressure better flow. After that I took 4 hour trip with it and got 49miles to the gallon of gas. A few more tanks to confirm it's amazing hybrid type mileage. It's a much lower idling engine and a much higher reving engine than the A20A3 currently in my 1989 Accord SEi. I also would like to do this swap because the civic body is deteriorating and my 1989 is like brand new. They seem like they would be a great fit for a guy who wants economy and reliability. That engine compartment doesn't hardly have a vacuum line in it. So much cleaner and easier to work on. I sure would have it rebuilt before installing it as it has about 260K miles on it.
    If anyone has attempted it please make a comment. Thanks

  7. #207

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    Good luck with the swap. It seems like if you really want to keep the classic cars rolling, you have to upgrade the engine to a more modern version at some point. Keep us posted with details because that mileage is amazing. How does the power compare to the A20?

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  8. #208

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    So you have a cherry SEI Accord and you want to put a D series engine in it because it gets better mileage and driveability? That is a lot of work doing that swap and Im afraid you will not be as impressed with the performance afterward. Just my conception from an engineering standpoint. You would be served much better by modifiying your SEI current engine by converting it to obd1 so that engine management parameters can be adjusted "tuned" if you will, by using one of the many tuning software options available. I can guaruntee you will pick up mpg and have a much more interesting car. Exhaust headers will help but mainly because they are lighter in weight, the 89 already has a good flowing exhaust manifold but its cast iron & heavy.
    2.0 liter vs 1.6 , you may wind up with around 30-40 mpg with the 2.0 once the ign timing curve and fuel trims are modified to better suit the engine. In oem form the car has a one size fits all tune on it from the 80's, that never really let the car perform at its best but only met current emmissions standards with the available fuel at the time and retained a quite passive tune to keep a reasonably smooth idle and off idle...which quickly expired after about 5 yrs when problems started showing up because fuel changed.

  9. #209
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    Re: D Series Swap...

    I have a crippled Civic (d16y8) and an 3Gee. My only question is, is there enough space and how many changes down the road would be expected

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