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Thread: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

  1. #1
    2.0Si User mykwikcoupe's Avatar
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    Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    I have a new in box HKS EVC 4. Im guessing I wont need it if i use the biult on PWM boost controller that can piggy back on the RTP? Im also wondering about a few other parts and pieces. Im wondering if with the neptune its beneficial to keep 12,000 gauges or just use the tunerview 2? It can display 4 seperate gauges at once and i will have a wideband. Im not sure if I should use the supplied digital gauge from the wideband or link it into the tunerview and use that to display further cleaning up the cabin area. I knoiw theres quite a bit but these are a few issues i couldnt find a solid answer to online. they are more subject to preference but apparently i have non. thanks for the help. Mike Oh and thanks 89T for the other answers you aree the man!

  2. #2

    89T's Avatar
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    I am glad you chose to switch over. The pwm boost solenoid wires directly into the ecu with a some added hardware installed onto the ecu board. So by no means is it a piggy back.
    As far as gages goes 2 good quality gauges can equal the cost of the tunerview.
    You can choose up to 4 gauges + you are able to daisy chain the tunerview if you need more. Now the wideband is pretty much of preference, hide the Gauge and use the tunerview,(keep the dash clean) or use the Gauge and be able to watch 5 different parameters.
    Last edited by 89T; 02-28-2010 at 08:04 PM. Reason: sp

  3. #3
    2.0Si User mykwikcoupe's Avatar
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    sweet I saw a mounted pic of the tunerview standing off the A-pillar pod. im thinking Ill have that mounted. Id like 2 of them but that price is way of budget right now. I know Im going to mount the single one this way possibly unless its huge.

    Im wondering if i wanted oil pressure, exhaust temp, fuel pressure are these taken from sensors about the car, oil pressure gauge, oxygen sensor, fuel pressure on injectors or would I need to mount more sensors? Thanks again

  4. #4

    89T's Avatar
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    Link to where i purchased mine.

    15% off innovative wideband..

    boost control instructions
    It Say's hondata but it is the same.

    demon board install

  5. #5

    89T's Avatar
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    As far as stock sensor's go their covered.
    anything beyond that you would add more sensors and I am not sure on how many more you can add..

  6. #6
    3Geez Veteran AccordEpicenter's Avatar
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    how is neptune to work with vs crome? Im looking into getting my car tuned and a tuner suggested neptune... I feel the demon board is nice but not really a must considering the price...
    429whp 362wtq A20 TURBO. A20T>*

  7. #7
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    Don't you need some stupid license from the company to be able to work with neptune? Like a password that's only good for a certain amount of time or something? I might be totally off, but I remember hearing that, and that you can't tune the car yourself unless you buy that "permission" to use the software. ? Hopefully I'm totally misremembering that.

    The hondata S300 has the PWM boost control too, and it can do maps of boost vs gear.

    (and no, I don't work for hondata, haha)

  8. #8
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    Re: Switching from crome free to neptune RTP

    Quote Originally Posted by mykwikcoupe View Post

    Im wondering if i wanted oil pressure, exhaust temp, fuel pressure are these taken from sensors about the car, oil pressure gauge, oxygen sensor, fuel pressure on injectors or would I need to mount more sensors? Thanks again
    The car has no oil press sensor, it has a 7psi switch. It has no fuel pressure sensor, no egt sensor, etc, you'd have to add all of those.

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