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Thread: 77 Honda can't run when hot

  1. #1
    DX User
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    77 Honda can't run when hot

    Hi guys,

    I'm back on this forum after a couple of fruitless months trying to get my 77 Accord to run right.

    I've swapped out the carb for a rebuilt one from importcarbs.

    When the engine is cold, the car will start up fine and run with the choke on the second detente. After a couple of minutes, I can move the choke to the first detente then off the choke completely. No problems at all at this point.

    But, once the car is hot, and I turn off the engine, I cannot start car again without setting the choke on the second detente. Without the choke or when it's on the first detente, the engine will start up, then die immediately. I'd have to have a foot on the gas pedal to keep it running.

    Any thoughts on what could be wrong? It's not the fuel to carb feed: I've changed filters and pump.

    I want to drive this car. Not have it decorate the driveway!


  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: 77 Honda can't run when hot

    The car starts fine and drives fine? Not a problem. You might just need to put a few thousand miles on the new carb to get everything broken in and meshing right.

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  3. #3

    Ichiban's Avatar
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    Re: 77 Honda can't run when hot

    When cold, it:

    -starts ok with choke
    -idles ok with choke
    -idles ok without choke when partially warm

    When hot, it:

    -will not start without choke
    -will not idle without throttle input

    Does it

    -Idle properly when started cold and run until hot without being shut off?
    -Miss and stumble under acceleration/rapid throttle opening?

    Do you have any:

    -Broken, disconnected, or wrongly connected vacuum lines?
    -vacuum leaks thru the brake booster? (or anywhere else)
    -means of checking vacuum at idle or ignition timing?
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  4. #4
    LXi User ecogabriel's Avatar
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    Re: 77 Honda can't run when hot

    Strange problem.

    I had thought on the cutoff solenoid that would cause such a problem, but it would cause it every time and not only when the engine and carb are warmed up; besides, I am not at all familiar with those carbs in old accords... But I googled that and stumbled across this site; it may direct your thoughts towards a possible cause

    Take a look at this; it reminded me of a carburetor I used to have. My former mechanic would make a diagram of the vacuum hoses attached to it prior to disassemble... anyway, maybe a hose is not attached right or whatever
    Last edited by ecogabriel; 09-05-2010 at 09:22 AM. Reason: brain dead
    If it ain't broke... I fix it!



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