I miss this car so much...
I miss this car so much...
an oldy but a goody
hard parking at the Home Depot!
and of course one of my favorite signatures...
King of Weight Reduction!
New Hankook RS3s on my Old Kosei K1 wheels! Love the offset, but need bigger fenders
K1-15x7 38mm offset
Mine Prelude - European version with B20A1 engine.
The fleet
Couple of mine
Fixed the bumper in this one
I started on the rest of my build thread last night.. Got 3/4 the way through and the computer shut off.
Current State...
Sorry for the camera phone pics...
Just a few pics of my lude ! 88 SI with full 91 conversion and 4WS conversion. Enjoy!
The last one is just for laughs, sorry jared, you never posted, i just had too!
my beater till she gets money dropped in on her :P
86 SI i re did the carpets inside needs new seats and new paint job picked her up pretty cheap tho!
Last edited by pablo3264; 03-09-2012 at 09:16 PM.
Last edited by romanjcg; 08-08-2012 at 03:56 PM.
Oh look, a 3g Prelude.^^^^^^^^^^^
That might be the first one here.
There's one just a few posts up, yellow with black top and 4ws conversion.So we have two now w00t!
Also this made me lol so hard! I'm so going to use that phrase and look next time someone asks. Except I'll be saying "E-series."
88 4ws Si prelude
89 4WS H22 swap
Here are some random pics from the past couple of months...
photos courtesy of zaahir