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Thread: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

  1. #1
    LX User Christofur's Avatar
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    Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    ok so today i was going to change my oil adapter seal. so i drain my oil after that was done i got under my car and was looking around to see if that was even the oil leak cause there is oil all over the bottom half of my engine. as i was looking i found this....this hose is from the oil pan back into the intake

    i was thinking that this was my oil leak cause above this hose was no oil at all. so i go down to the parts store get some hose install it put oil back into my engine and start it up let it warm up. i looked under my car now there's a puddle of oil under there. i jack my car back up and start to look. its dropping from the bottom pulley.(or around there) never did this before i changed that hose.

    the question is could i have been losing pressure in my motor from the hole in that hose then when i put a new hose in the pressure was greater and now my oil pan seal is leaking?(before i did notice a little drop from that area.)

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    You have awakened the PCV monster. You will now be stricken with the fire of his vengeance., by which I mean that the hose you replaced is the tripwire for the whole PCV system. You replace that hose and the whole mess lets go. I would guess your leak has migrated higher on the PCV circuit. Look at where the breather box seals to the block and the rubber neck that comes out the top. If it is indeed leaking from under the timing belt cover, then you are in for a basic timing belt service. Just replace all the seals under there and that should get it.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  3. #3

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    Yes the PVC pulls vented pressure from the crankcase thru that large hose and oil separater. The actual PVC valve is above all of that hardware. Seems like your system was not functioning before and now it is.
    If oil is coming from the pulley area then check cam seal, oil pump also may need new seals. Filter adapter seal usually is the one that drips right on the exhaust pipe.

    Also just curious what oil you used?

  4. #4
    3Geez Veteran A18A's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    OT but when that pic was loading it looked like a saussage

  5. #5
    LX User Christofur's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    Quote Originally Posted by roodoo2 View Post
    Yes the PVC pulls vented pressure from the crankcase thru that large hose and oil separater. The actual PVC valve is above all of that hardware. Seems like your system was not functioning before and now it is.
    If oil is coming from the pulley area then check cam seal, oil pump also may need new seals. Filter adapter seal usually is the one that drips right on the exhaust pipe.

    Also just curious what oil you used?
    i used 10w40.

    now if its the cam seal to check that can i just take the timing belt cover off and see if there's oil inside there?

  6. #6

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....

    pretty much yes, you will see oil up on that area under the cover, honestly though from what Ive seen if you have an oil leak low down on the pulley side of the motor it is the oil pump seals. It comes off about like a water pump really but you have to take off the whole timing cover so you have to remove crank pulley. You would see for sure then the nice clean oil trail and which one of those areas it is coming from.
    Be carefull, because if the oil pump seals are leaking your pressure could drop sometimes. I bought the seals from Honda about 18 buck I think it was, and just take the pump apart and replace them.

  7. #7

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Oil leak Found.. now an even worse oil leak....


    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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