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Thread: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

  1. #1

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    Unhappy I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Well I'd like to announce that I will be leaving the forum, I'm tired of a member trying to portray me as being a crook off of the key blanks that I was selling and just about anything I post being down talked, I sold the keys at the prices I did that people were happy to pay, and yes I did make money selling them, but it's not like I'm living large doing it, before that ebay link was posted the other day you could not buy a single key without paying the price at the dealer, then $16 Shipping and $6 handing. So I had costs too, Paypal Fees, Tape and mailing supplies, my time and more...

    I've tried to be a helpful member and bring hard or impossible to find parts at prices people are willing to pay, I didn't make anything off this last group buy.

    So whatever, I'm not gonna go out naming people and making all kinds of rude and shocking posts, Maybe one day I will be back who knows..

    All I know is I hope for a better future for the forum, I regret that I spent what I did getting a lifetime foundation membership like I did since there's a good chance I will not post on this forum anymore after today.

    I just hope people see me for who I really am, a caring member who was always willing to help another member, a member who with the help of some fellow members funding building and buying Tim "Lostforawhile" a computer, a member who put out money on rare brochures and other items and posted them on the forum for members to see and enjoy, I'm not a crook because I made a profit selling keys at prices members were willing to pay, which members were free to send me a PM for discounted group pricing like some did.

    I just hope something will change, I see this forum going more and more downhill each day, and it's sad to think that in a short time that this forum could be abandoned or atleast abandoned by the people who have made this forum so great over these last few years

    So to those Friends I have met from the forum who still want to talk, you can always contact me on Facebook or via Aim "forrestathlonxp" or forrest89sei(AT)

    But to everyone else, Best Regards


  2. #2
    LX User HON-DUH's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Damn sorry to hear that, hopefully you'll be back

  3. #3

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Quote Originally Posted by HON-DUH View Post
    Damn sorry to hear that, hopefully you'll be back
    I'm sure one day, there's a lot of good people on the forum, but I'm sick and tired of the bullshit day by day.

    That's why I'm not trying to burn my bridges, I'm good friends with "CAH AKA Blake Smith" and I didn't agree with the posts and stuff he did, I don't want to be banned or anything like that, I'm just gone till things get better and the dust settles, anyone can get a hold of me on my facebook

  4. #4
    LX User HON-DUH's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Hey and I'm sorry for posting that eBay link, didn't realize it would cause an uproar...

  5. #5

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Quote Originally Posted by HON-DUH View Post
    Hey and I'm sorry for posting that eBay link, didn't realize it would cause an uproar...
    No man I'm not mad at you at all, It's another member basically rubbing it in my face that was the issue, this member had issues with me the first day I posted them for sale period.

    So I'm not mad at you at all man, you've got my respect.

    This has been in the making before you posted it


  6. #6
    LX User HON-DUH's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Alright man, still sucks seeing a valuable member of this forum leave...

    Best of luck

  7. #7

    AccordB20A's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    name and shame!

  8. #8
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Forrest don't let one bad member run you out of here, you have made a bunch of contributions to the forum, you manage to find a lot of pictures etc, that no one else seems to be able to find, I know the place is going downhill, but there are still good members here, if anyone thinks you are a crook, you built me a computer when my old WIN 98 machine was dying a slow death and you gave it to me, it's still running to this day, would a crook do that?

  9. #9
    SEi User import racer's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Yeah man don't leave because of one asshole.

  10. #10

    Vanilla Sky's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Forrest, I'd like to help take care of this in a peaceful, meaningful manner with the member involved. If someone specific is causing a problem, please bring it to my attention and it will be taken care of.

  11. #11

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Sorry to hear you're getting crapped on. That's never fun. Are you still on for the Norcal meet? You got us all excited about it. Hope you can attend.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  12. #12
    SEi User obdriver6's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    It sucks that you came to that decision but also who cares what he says you can't just let one person drive you away, you were just trying to provide us with merchandise and make a little money at the same time (I know I would of done the same) and there's nothing wrong with that. As for this forum going downhill you have to remember that this forum is only for the first 3 gen. of accords and many people don't appreciate these cars as much as they did 10+ yrs ago. Most people my age wouldn't look twice at these car if they had a civic, integra, 240, eclipse, supra ect. but there are a few who do and that's why we're here. I know I would of liked to see this forum back in the day but I can't and that's okay cause there's still members (new or old) working on there cars. Even though I'm just a newb and don't really know you that well I hope you come back soon.

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  13. #13

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    The way I see it. If you are selling a product you have the right to price that product as you see fit. I don't care if you bought it for $.10 and are selling it for $10. It is a service, and if they are not willing to pay for that service they can go somewhere else.

    Also there is an ignore function in usercp that you can add that user name to.
    someone make me an offer i just could not say no to.


  14. #14
    2.0Si User mykwikcoupe's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Quote Originally Posted by 89T View Post
    The way I see it. If you are selling a product you have the right to price that product as you see fit. I don't care if you bought it for $.10 and are selling it for $10. It is a service, and if they are not willing to pay for that service they can go somewhere else.

    Also there is an ignore function in usercp that you can add that user name to.
    Id agree 100%. Whatever you feel your time is worth to you is the markup and to me that price was always less then my time. Thanks for the LED gauges and at a great price to boot.

  15. #15

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Hey, don't be pushed out because of some idiot being rude. The value of anything is only what someone is willing to pay fo it. Period. I saw value in what you were offering which is why I bought the items from you.

    And I received what I paid for.

    I understand the crap you get from trying to help from time to time. But hey, Opinions are like as_holes, everyone has one and they all usually stink, a few more than others.

    Good luck with that decision.

  16. #16

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    wow i never knew that it was a crime to make a profit!

    hopefully u stay bro, fuel on the haters dont get beat by them

  17. #17

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    never say you regret anything that did good for anyone or all

    best wishes

  18. #18
    3Geez Veteran
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Please tell me this wasn't me...I only messaged you once.

  19. #19
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Dang yo. Don't go! We need more good members!

    Quote Originally Posted by CAH View Post
    pullin up turbo spoolin fast lookin fly like a 3g like a 3g like a 3g

  20. #20
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    I am sorry to hear this. I was very happy the keys I got and I think for your time and effort it was a bargain. You even went out of your way to work around my schedule. thank you, it was appreciated.


  21. #21

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    No matter what you sell, there will always be some bitch complaining about the price. Just tell them to STFU and ignore them. Sorry that some guy is being a cockbag, but that's kinda how life is. Don't let them run you off. The rest of us here know what a pain in the ass it is to sell shit, and if you're not making a couple bucks on it, it's really not worth doing and it can get downright depressing. You're a kick-ass guy and a huge contributor to this place, don't go!
    Last edited by 2ndGenGuy; 06-19-2011 at 05:13 PM.

  22. #22
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    I will vouch for Forrest that he is one of the dedicated members on this forum.

    My name is MessyHonda and I stand behind Forrest89sei

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  23. #23

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    lol charlie strikes again!!!!
    dead white and blue

  24. #24

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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    Well, I for one am VERY appreciative of the keys. I bought 2 sets, they came fast and you even gave me a discount since it was 2 sets. I could care less if you made money, you need to be paid for your time and effort and the price you were asking was MORE than fair for me.

    Also, I never bought anything from the "rare parts" order, I was thinking "Wow, Forrest is a good guy for setting something like that up!".

  25. #25
    3Geez Veteran Rendon LX-i's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Leaving the Forum, I'm $%&$(*% Done.....

    I agree I bought a set an I didn't think twice bout the price. I know Forrest is a good member I've been around along time an he has done alot to this place.

    Don't let this guy push u out man. Like us beAners say FTP = fuck that puto


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