Ok so i put my carb back on the car and replaced almost every hose that touches it. It fixed my flooding problem but the car still had no power. I got up the next morning and adjusted the valves and cleaned the plugs off (they were black except for number three which had oil all over it). It ran great for about a mile until it seemed like it warmed up then went back to running crappy. I brought it home and let it sit running until the fuel light came on and then it died.
I went out to work on it today, put three gallons of gas in and now the damn thing wont stay running. I have to keep my foot on the gas for it to stay running. If you try putting it into gear it dies.
It would idle GREAT the other day but now after running it low on gas its doing this. Does anyone have any ideas? If i cant get this car running right soon my wife said we have to sell it.