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Thread: Oem fog lights

  1. #26
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by JC Barker View Post
    Just to clarify, you DO NOT need to remove the bumper(on an '89), to do the install.
    my brackets actually say "86 L" and "86 R" so I'm sure they're not for my 89. i curious as to how the 88-89 mounts go in. i just got back from the junkyard and every 3rd gen didn't have the mounts. so ill just have to keep looking.

  2. #27

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Are you sure you can't just do some bending with a bench vise and a 5# sledge to make them work?

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  3. #28
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Snooz View Post
    Are you sure you can't just do some bending with a bench vise and a 5# sledge to make them work?
    I was looking at the pictures and they mount a totally different way for the 86 VS the 89, one mounts on top of the mount,one behind it, thats a good three inch difference at least

  4. #29
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by lostforawhile View Post
    I was looking at the pictures and they mount a totally different way for the 86 VS the 89, one mounts on top of the mount,one behind it, thats a good three inch difference at least
    I was going to see if I could find something to extend the thread a good couple inches lol that's all I can think of I only need about 2 inches to connect the back of the fog to the mount

  5. #30
    SEi User obdriver6's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    I have a partial harness for the fogs if you still want pics but I have to find it first.

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  6. #31

    Hash_man_Se_i's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    I don;t want to start a new thread as this thread seems to be on the same topic, wondering if anyone can give me some insight on what I am doing wrong as I feel stumped. Given I have probably taken far too many allergy and sinus pills today so my mind may not be working right, but this just seems stupid. I mounted my fog light brackets up to the bumper mounts which seem to fit quite well. However when I go to put the bumper on they appear to sit too high and the bumper won't slide into place. I tried mounting them behind said bracket as someone mentioned in here, but they don't seem to line up properly when doing so. Any insight would be great. Here is where I am at right now... and for the record I feel stupid for not being able to figure this out, but it just wont work...

  7. #32
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    People need to pay more attention when removing parts such as these. lol

  8. #33
    3Geez Veteran ghettogeddy's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Allot of the time they are not the onrs that removed them.

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  9. #34

    Hash_man_Se_i's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettogeddy View Post
    Allot of the time they are not the onrs that removed them.

    Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
    Precisely... These were pulled off a car in New Zealand, then shipped to me...

  10. #35

    carotman's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    You need to cut your bumper metal reinforcement. The JDM cars had basically no reinforcement compared to our North American Version. This is what I had to do on my car to fit the OEM JDM fog lights.

    Also, I found out a couple of minutes ago that the OEM Acura Legend 1991-1995 fog lights are the same as our JDM version. They're just clear instead of yellow.
    3geez member since July 12 2000

    I need these parts!

  11. #36

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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by carotman View Post
    You need to cut your bumper metal reinforcement. The JDM cars had basically no reinforcement compared to our North American Version. This is what I had to do on my car to fit the OEM JDM fog lights.

    Also, I found out a couple of minutes ago that the OEM Acura Legend 1991-1995 fog lights are the same as our JDM version. They're just clear instead of yellow.
    Thank you for the info Carot! it is much appreciated. I thought that might be the case, but wanted to hear from someone who had done this before I went and cut up my bumper.

  12. #37

    AccordB20A's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    i put the brackets on like you have in your pics, then the bumper back on and bolted up. and while the indicator lenses are still out install the foglight thru the hole and bolt it to the bracket. align it tighten it and done

    mine sit pretty much perfect.

  13. #38

    Hash_man_Se_i's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by AccordB20A View Post
    i put the brackets on like you have in your pics, then the bumper back on and bolted up. and while the indicator lenses are still out install the foglight thru the hole and bolt it to the bracket. align it tighten it and done

    mine sit pretty much perfect.

    Yea, I will need to trim this part of the bumper like Carot said though, if you didn't have to then NZ must have the same bumpers as Japan/Europe.

  14. #39

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    Re: Oem fog lights

    yeah my cars a jap import so we dont have railway lines to re-enfoce the bumpers

  15. #40
    3Geez Veteran A18A's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    must be why all of our bumpers are warped, and none of theirs are

  16. #41

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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by AccordB20A View Post
    yeah my cars a jap import so we dont have railway lines to re-enfoce the bumpers
    Lol... Railway lines hey? One of you guys should take a picture of the back side of a NZ spec bumper when you get a chance, I am curious.

  17. #42

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    Re: Oem fog lights

    yeah theres not much to them, probably why none of them ever line up straight over here

  18. #43
    DX User mint89's Avatar
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    hello all

    I know this qustion has been asked time and again. I picked up some auto Si fogs from local junk yard. ( Prelude SI)I have most of the wiring harness, but its not complete. it includes connections to lights, the relay, ground wire and three groups of leads. one set has two wires: yellow/green and red blue. I think these are the switch leads. the two others groups coming of the harness have 3 leads each. red/white, red/greem and red/blue. they are the same colors for both of these groups. I also have a oem accord switch with the foglight emblem and red dot botton. on back are three contacts one clearly marked ground. back to the harness. I dont know were the three lead groups should go or how to wire them for my 89 honda lxi,

    Pease help.

    Attachment 6465
    Attachment 6468
    Attachment 6466
    Attachment 6467

  19. #44
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    ^ #doublepost

  20. #45
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Snooz View Post
    Well, the OE switch doesn't light. At all. No bulb. So you can save yourself that trouble. The relay mounts on top of the DS shock tower and the ground screw is next to the radiator on the DS kinda toward the top. The wires are wrapped in some kind of black plastic that resembles shrink wrap that hasn't been shrunk. Here's a pic of my engine bay so you can see where the relay mounts.
    strange. the orange Dot on all 4 of my oem fog switchs lit up O.o

    1988 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe 123k miles.

  21. #46
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    Quote Originally Posted by Hash_man_Se_i View Post
    I don;t want to start a new thread as this thread seems to be on the same topic, wondering if anyone can give me some insight on what I am doing wrong as I feel stumped. Given I have probably taken far too many allergy and sinus pills today so my mind may not be working right, but this just seems stupid. I mounted my fog light brackets up to the bumper mounts which seem to fit quite well. However when I go to put the bumper on they appear to sit too high and the bumper won't slide into place. I tried mounting them behind said bracket as someone mentioned in here, but they don't seem to line up properly when doing so. Any insight would be great. Here is where I am at right now... and for the record I feel stupid for not being able to figure this out, but it just wont work...


    Would you have dimensions for this bracket by any chance? I want to fabricate mine. Especially distance between the two mounting holes as they are not lined up - just need to know what is the off set. Dimensions of the 'up' and 'forward' arms would be good as well.


  22. #47
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    Re: Oem fog lights

    I clarifies the advantages of front mist lights, the parkway code expresses that you should utilize headlights when imperceptibility is truly lessened, you may likewise utilize front or back haze lights yet you should turn them off when imperceptibility progresses...

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