89 Honda Accord LXi
Good price, rare color, also LXi!
89 Honda Accord LXi
Good price, rare color, also LXi!
Wow I forgot what a clean oem trunk looked like!
Monterey Green is rare?
Compared to white and gold I would say rare lol
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It's rare but maybe thats geographical distribution. The cars stayed on back order and I guess because of that there were special order cars since some areas had to wait for the cars anyway.
Out of the 100 or so accords Ive seen locally and in my travels Ive only seen two in person.
Now 4th gen those green ones are all over the place.
I see MG coupes and sedans for days here, not once have I seen a green hatch. Ever. I saw a picture of one on here.
I still think the green was the best color on these cars.
"I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis
1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap
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