So I drove my car home last night for the first time and the ride is very, very stiff. I've cut one coil from the springs and installed Koni adjustable struts set at full stiffness and the car doesn't seem to have much travel. On the freeway it's great and it runs nice and straight but in the neighborhoods it's horrible. The car holds the road well and doesn't jump around so I think the struts are fine but I did not have them rebuilt.
I'm thinking that if I take the struts off and adjust them down to mid stiffness the ride should loosen up a bit but I'm not 100% sure. What do you guys think? I didn't think that 1 coil of the spring would cause this big of a difference. Cutting them removed around 1.5" of ride height so it's not slammed by any means. The steering feels good and returns to center well so I don't think this change messed up the geometry that much.